In Memoriam


Photos courtesy Ed and Amelia Rodgers and others.

Born George Victor Bishop on June 11, 1932 in Brooklyn, New York, Ed Bishop lost his twelve year battle with leukemia on June 8, 2005 just shy of his 73rd birthday. A well respected and accomplished radio, television, film, and theater actor, his best remembered role was as Commander Ed Straker in Gerry Anderson's UFO. He was survived by his widow and three daughters.


To his many fans he was known to be caring and compassionate man, taking time from his busy schedule to correspond with them and even joining in meditation sessions for ailing ones. A very private man until the end, he did not want his fans and admirers to know how ill he was while he attended conventions and kept working at his chosen craft. He was an anti-war activist and active member of Campaign Against Arms Trade, publicly using his craft to speak out against the arms trade and the Iraq war. He was a rare individual. We miss him and we cherish his memory.

We also take this time to remember some of his fans who have also passed on to the great stage beyond, especially Sheelagh Hathaway, Samantha Peterson, and David Walsh who lost their own battles with cancer, as Ed lost his with leukemia.

In his memory please donate to CAAT Donations
also The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (Donate to LLS)

Bishop's epitaph reads: From This Valley They Say You Are Going. We Shall Miss Your Bright Eyes And Your Smile.

The epitaph comes from a song he learned for the play Strike Gently, Away From the Body. Photos of his gravesite and headstone, as well as virtual flowers, can be found at Ed Bishop (1932-2005) - Find a Grave Memorial

An Appreciation - An appreciation given at Ed's funeral by Roger Harding.

young Ed
Those damn aliens! It was a birthday party for one of his granddaughters, I think we learned, and the alien visited him chuckle. Note the Straker watch. The photo was taken by his wife, Jane.
old Ed
with kids

From Ms. Jane Merrow - UFO guest star (Responsibility Seat)
Ed was a truly lovely man, unaffected by his success, good fun. We had many laughs together, but I think our 'seduction' scene worked well. I really enjoyed working with Ed and wish he were still with us.

From Rade (Rollieo 122)
I really only came across Ed Bishop through his work in Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons, which I used to watch when I was younger. In the past couple of years have I seen UFO (and actually seen what he looks like, instead just hearing his voice and looking at a puppet!), and I aim to rewatch the James Bond films he was in to see if I can spot him! But the reason he is one of my favourite actors is probably because I've grown up with his voice in rewatching Captain Scarlet regularly, and from the few interviews with him I've heard, he sounded like a very genuine person and an inspiration to many people.

From Ed Rodgers
In July of 1998 the first Internet group entirely for fans of Ed Bishop was created and moderated by Amelia Rodgers. When Bishop passed away, she united many in their appreciation of a warm, talented humanitarian who sadly is lost to the world now. But through his work, and his loyal fans from all over the world, we remember him. He lived with humor, style, and grace, and none of us who ever got to take part in the magic he created, will forget him. EBF often put fans in touch with Bishop through cards and letters, gave information about new work he'd be in. Bishop often showed consideration for fans like the late Sheelagh Hathaway. Although an atheist (after a childhood wish to become a Episcopal minister,) Mr. Bishop found out through Helen Weber - a mutual contact - that a prayer/spiritual circle had been started for Sheelagh to fight her cancer. The prayer circle met at the precise same time, every day, and several members would come on, adjusting for time zones, and add their prayers, wishes, good thoughts for Sheelagh. To her surprise, Amelia was asked through Helen if Ed Bishop could take part in it, and so he did. On the group, several members gave wonderful accounts of meeting and/or knowing Ed Bishop. Members would donate photos and other material, often rare photos never seen before. Finally, on June 8, 2005, Amelia got an e-mail she will never forget. Mr. Bishop was dead. In shock and grief, she wrote to Marc Martin, another of her fan contacts, and he knew, and announced it.

When the reason for Bishop's death was given, Amelia refused to accept it. She pleaded with Paolo and Teresa from ISOSHADO, who themselves were shocked and grieving, to find out what had really killed Ed Bishop. And so although close friends had known Mr. Bishop was terribly ill, Paolo asked Bishop's widow and his daughters for more details. They were gracious enough to reveal the shocking news - Mr. Bishop had indeed had leukemia, fighting it for 12 years.

In 2008 due to ill health and in too much grief to do her job well after Bishop's death, Amelia turned EBF over to other fans. The group is now called Ed_Bishop and contains a wealth of material. The new owners, Sarah and Lorraine, are skilled in presenting other media for fans which they may have had no access to. She wishes to thank all the fans that that made EBF special and continue to make the Ed_Bishop group a special place on the Internet.

As long as his work remains on Earth, so will our memories of Ed Bishop's wonderful soul.
Ed, Amelia's husband

From Helen Weber
Ed Bishop was a very special person and I miss him and the fun phone calls we used to have. He was always generous with his time and was interesting to talk to. I can't believe he's been gone so long.


with kids

U.F.O. is the © and property of ITV Studios Global Entertainment and used for promotional purposes only.
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