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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Jun 25th, 2010 at 6:34pm
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You're so right, Louise!  We write what we know.  It's an unwritten law.  That said, sometimes what we 'know' is pretty far out there!  Cheesy  (Naming no names.)

I have wanted to write reivews of the last several stories that have been posted in this forum, but the one drawback to all this creativity is that there isn't enough time between writing to do the reviews!  Roll Eyes

I suppose I should follow suit and post my thoughts about my latest story, but then again, perhaps I'll just wait until Louise gets the chance to review it for me.  I work better when I'm responding to something someone else has said.  My thoughts seem normal to me (I know -- scary, huh?), so it's hard to know what people want to hear me explain unless someone asks the question.

But I also know that writing gets dry spells now and then.  So although I'm not looking for one of those, I know it'll come sooner or later, and I can spend that down time writing reviews.  But it won't be soon.  I already have an idea for a new story -- and it's a doozy!  Roll Eyes  Grin
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #1 - Jun 25th, 2010 at 11:06pm
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Thanks Louise, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! I’m kinda bummed out now that it’s done. Sad

I really put a lot of myself into the character of “Matt” and that compelled me to do the author’s response when I was finished. I’ll put it in the Author’s Notes section of my website after I’ve added a few more thoughts. Wink

I know what you mean about reviews, it’s hard to squeeze them in and get them right when you’re in creative mode. As a relatively new writer I force myself to do them as I learn so much by looking at someone else’s work with a critical eye. Smiley

I have two stories that are screaming at me saying “Review Me Now!” AfterMath and Kid’s Stuff. I plan on getting to those this weekend! Smiley Wink

Denise you’re right, we do write what we know and I think we’ve all been out on that limb that’s called out there! I’ve had more than one person look at me funny when I tell them want I’ve been doing since March. Shocked On the flip side of that coin just as many, if not more think it’s cool. Wink

I’m in the same boat with stories, I still have to break up Soul Mates (and add a new story in the middle), write two more back stories, four follow on stories (including the challenges) and a new Ed & Jennifer story based on Matters. No “Matt” in this one (unless it’s a cameo)  Grin thought of that one this morning. Jennifer is a red head with green eyes, has more fire and sass than Ginny, and is trouble with a capital T! Look out Ed! Cheesy

I figure that I have enough stuff on my writer’s to do list to keep me busy for quite a while! Smiley I need more hours in the day and less of this work thing! Angry

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #2 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 9:58am
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Hi Matt.... bummed out is exactly right! I feel the same way when I finish a story, elated, but also sad , particularly when I post it. Because then it is no longer 'mine' to tweak, edit, change little details etc.  There is also that deep worry that maybe it will be the 'last ' story.. that the creative ideas spring has run dry! But so far that hasn't happened. Yet.
I read through some older stories and think... hmmm i could ...  but it is too late!
Its peculiar really , because although I can spend countless hours on a story, proof reading, editing, and I am quite happy to delete entire chapters, or huge chunks, or even file parts away for use in  another story later, I don't have the same attitude to my sketches.
Those tend to take a few hours at most. on average three, although my latest spaceman one took nearly ten. and I'm still working on the Formula One racing car.
If i make a mistake I scrap it. totally. ( SID got scrapped last night!) and I may well not have another go. Ever. I don't even keep the ones I don't like.. they get burned in the Chimenia!

Its a completely different approach to writing, a lot freer and I don't have that same 'protective' attitude to the pictures.

Q. How many Vulcans does it take to create a masterpiece?
A. Two. One to do the work, the other to step forward and say; 'Stop. Enough.'

That's my philosophy with regard to drawing. You have to know when to stop, because there comes a point when doing more simply messes it up. I do it for fun. for relaxation and if other people like it, fine.
But writing.. .well, that's another far more serious thing.

However, some stories are written straight from the heart, in one go, with very little editing, redrafting, written planning etc.

  Denise.. I'd love to know how much 'behind the scenes' work you did on Kid Stuff . that seems to me a 'sit down and type' story... in the best possible sense.. all emotions and honesty and 'heart' . And it worked so well. As did your Lines story.
The really emotive stories are often those which simply pour out of us. I know that my 'Lines' story was done  almost in one sitting, and I cried nearly all the way through! but if I had gone over it afterwards then I would have 'smoothed it out' and it would have lost something. I made some adjustments to the epilogue, but that was about all i did.And the same withThe Bodyguard.. another straight off story. I only made one alteration to that I think.. changed  the name of the boy.

I still have several completed stories waiting to be posted. But I simply can't do it! Yet! I'll finish FarSight on the Forum and then see what to do with the others!
And I think i have finally come up with my writer story. At last.

I need some air.
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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #3 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 1:17pm
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Way to go, Louise!  Smiley

See?  You just had to relax and leave be for a bit.  Let your mind recharge.  And you're ready to go again.  You're awesome!  Grin

In answer to your question, I wrote Kid Stuff while visiting my grandkids in Iowa City.  And here's the odd thing: it was a great visit!  So I wasn't writing out of boredom, and I didn't even stay up late to write.  Most of it was written while my hubby drove two hours through the rainstorm to get us there and the lighter rain when we came home the next day.  I finished the story Sunday night at home or Monday morning (can't remember which now!)  Anyway, it was a story that needed no revising.  It just happened.  Sometimes I surprise myself with the things that come out of me. 

See, I'm very good at suppressing emotion.  (Don't ask why.  You really don't want me to tell you the reason.)  And I guess I'd been worrying deep inside over some of the troubles my family had been dealing with, even though I didn't talk about it or acknowledge it at a conscious level.  But once I was away from home, I guess my mind said, 'Time to talk!' and it all poured out into a story.  And the odd thing is that I only realize this in retrospect.  I didn't see it at all at the time.
But my family did.  When I read the story to a member of my family on Monday afternoon, I was told how much they loved it.  And on Tuesday, I was told that it had inspired them to take a stand against what was going on in their lives. 

I had no idea when I wrote it that it would have such an impact.  I was just following the story to its natural conclusion.  (Straker always takes me where I never expect to go!)  But I'm so glad I wrote it!  And to know that it affected one of its readers to the point where they stood up for themselves is the highest praise I think any writer could receive!  Smiley

Louise, I know how you feel about the differences between your drawing and your writing.  I have that difference between my poetry and my stories.  I love to write!  But the stories that I write -- although fun and crazy and deep sometimes -- are my fluff.  I can share that part of myself with the world.  No problem!  My poetry, on the other hand, is the writing I protect with my life!  I doubt if I'll ever publish it, and not because I think it's rubbish.  I know it isn't.  I'm not a lover of words for nothing!  But I won't share it.  It tells too much about me, and I don't want others to see me that clearly.  Cool 

I'm a little hopeful that after years of writing stories, I'll eventually feel brave enough to give the public some of my poems.  I've done it already in a few choice places online.  But for the most part, I doubt that they'll ever all see the light of day.  My daughter insists that she'll publish them all after I die (sort of like Emily Dickinson!), and that doesn't bother me.  'Cause I won't be around to see how they're received.  Wink

So there you have it!  Now you know the behind-the-scenes of Kid Stuff.  As well as other extraneous stuff too!  Grin  Satisfied?
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #4 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 3:23pm
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Matters was a sit down and write story for me, it just flowed from the heart! And "Best Friends was almost as easy, that still baffles me, Wink

Louise, your Vulcan example is awesome! As a matter of fact Denise gave me that very same advice with "Matters", end it and leave the rest to the imagination! Smiley

So sometimes that works for writing as well.

I've told you before (and so has Denise) that you are an increadibly talented artist! I'm sure that I would still be in awe of works that you have scrapped! Smiley

Denise I enjoyed your feedback of Kid's Stuff as well. I was fairly sure that you were on a roll with that one as you posted it quite quickly. As I plan to review that story this weekend having your thoughts will help! Smiley

Suppressing emotions? Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt, wrote the book! While as I child I had some good memories, I also had more than my share of bad ones. This seems to be a common trait among writers. Maybe that's why Patrick and I are so close now, we help each other deal with the issues.

Denise you said something once that rang clear as a bell to me. Once we become adults we take ownership of all these things and they become our responsibilty. I'm paraphrasing here, I hope I got it right. That was an unmoving truth. My writting has helped me deal with the past in ways I can't even begin the describe! And I've found some new friends on the way! Smiley

It doesn't get any better than that! Smiley

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #5 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 3:43pm
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Best advice i have been given recently.. generally with regard to families!

1.Don't expect anything from anyone... (in the nicest possible way) then you won't be hurt if no one responds

2. Don't demand anything from anyone .. then they can't demand from you.

So I no longer expect my family to look at, acknowledge, or read any of my stuff. And I am happier!   Smiley

and it means that i am no longer bound by the constraints of 'what would they think if they saw/read/ this! So ...Pic of Ed.. au naturel.. (probably spelt that wrong! . roll on!  well, when I can get the privacy to do it!  Wink

And I agree with you Matt, I, too, have met some great friends recently!   Kiss

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #6 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 4:17pm
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Okay time to lighten things up! Fresh coffee at my house, tea, pastery, dounghts, good company. Smiley

Seagull Xray will be making the round trip to England, the southwest, northwest, Illonios, and landing at Quonset RI later today! Wink (The runways at Green are a tad short for an SST)

All aboard for great fun! Smiley

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #7 - Jun 26th, 2010 at 5:14pm
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The most fun I've ever had in my life (other than anything that deals with kids or grandkids!) has been when I've been a part of a writers' group.  Writers are some of the coolest people!  And some of the most real peeps you'll ever find.  And every one of my best friends have been writers.  (Including a certain Brit with a lovely smile!)  Wink 

So, Matt?  I have to agree.  It doesn't get better than this!  Smiley
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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #8 - Jun 27th, 2010 at 1:13am
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Looking back over these comments, I realized that I never did give Louise an explanation of how Kid Stuff was supposed to end.  Because it didn't go where I planned for it to go.  The Commander had his own plans, and they started making themselves clear before I was even halfway through writing the story! 

But originally the story was slated to end with the children leaving before a confrontation was forced on them.  And Straker would afterward notice a small crayon mark on the wall in his office and refuse to have it cleaned off as a reminder of the children.  Very low key. 

But he wanted to stand for what was right!  And refused to budge until he'd done it!  And he wouldn't even let me have the (new) aliens rescue him in his detention room!  He wanted to die!  Like I said, I never quite know where Straker will lead me!  So in the end, he got his resurrection scene with his best bud.  I had no complaints.  It was a great scene, after all!  It just wasn't the ending I'd planned.

So there you have it, Louise!  The exclusive extra behind-the-scenes info on Kid Stuff!  It's all Ed's fault!  Cool
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #9 - Jun 27th, 2010 at 2:24am
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It's always Ed's fault! Wink He never seems to cooperate does he? Grin

I guess that's why he's The Man! Wink

I like the ending you chose much better! "You've got to stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!" Smiley

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #10 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 8:51pm
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I just got off the phone with my mother. I was telling her about Matters of the Heart and how I had dedicated it to my great grandfather.

It brought her to tears.  Cry

She spent the first ten years of her life living with my great grandparents and they were very close.

She's looking forward to reading the story! Smiley

It will be interesting to see how much of me she see's in it. Wink

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #11 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 8:59pm
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Lucky you, having family who read your stories!...

  I wonder how much of me is in my stories?  And what would my family think if they read them!!

Oh yes.. know the really, really really nasty story I had started ages ago... well, i'm cannibalising it for Dark Matter. Very much toned down though.
I hate to waste stuff I've written and not used!

And I started writing Dark M tonight! At last!
I need to write something serious and heavy and cathartic.



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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #12 - Jul 2nd, 2010 at 9:58pm
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Dark Matter, sounds like fun. <sigh> aside from my warped sense of humor and view of the world, don't look for me in my stories. I'm not there. They would be very boring if I was. dull, dull, dull, dull. <stares at what i've written> this may explain why non fan fic craters so badly. nothing interesting to say ... <le sigh>
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Trust no one.

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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #13 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 7:19am
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Dragon... NO ONE with a sense of humour like yours could ever be considered boring!


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Re: Writing from personal experience!
Reply #14 - Jul 3rd, 2010 at 1:04pm
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You tell her, Louise!  Cheesy
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