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Character analysis : Alec
Jul 9th, 2010 at 5:17pm
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Maybe we should go for character analysis instead of episode analysis. ...?
« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2010 at 11:25pm by »  
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Re: Character analysis
Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 6:17pm
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Yes, good idea..,. saves me having to view Computer affair for a while..I've been incredibly busy recently;
The Bodyguard
Lines of Communication
Brief Encounters
Dark Matters  ooops...

And so has everyone else!! Smiley

  I always hated Mark Bradley.. a truly wooden actor although I think it was an episode that had a lot to say abou the relationship betwen Ed and Alec. (accoridng to the original script when Alec hands his resoigantion in, Ed tells him that he needs him.) and Gay Ellis is SO British!  Received Pronunciation to the extreme! ( and I speak 'Proper English' as they say, without much of an accent!) Wink
It's not an episode that i would have placed as second in the running order either.

So... you started this Dragon-- who? How and why? Cool

And can we be nasty? Grin

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Re: Character analysis
Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 8:32pm
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I think we already got underway by discussing Alec.  I've always seen him as a child of either neglectful or vicious parents.  His inability to commit to a single woman seems to be a residue of a really bad mother/son relationship.  (And my beta tester was mad that I never explained Straker's remark in Face-Off about that!) 
His loyalty doesn't really need a specific incident to cement it for me.  I'm very loyal to those I care about without any incentive needed.  As an example, my best friend of 15 years had to practically spell it out for me what she really thought of our friendship before I finally gave up on it.  So I get Alec's loyalty to Straker.
His drinking isn't a problem for me, since he's never portrayed as inebriated in the series.  So as long as he can handle the booze, he can have it!
For me, Alec is actually one of the most centered people in SHADO.  He knows himself well and accepts who he is.  It even comes across in the way he carries himself and interacts with others.  He's actually very zen in that respect.
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Character analysis
Reply #3 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 9:23pm
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I have to go with Denise's take on Alec, with one addtional comment. He was shown as flirt with the ladies but if you were to look beyond that he probably would have settled down with the right woman. Who would that be? Miss Ealand or Ayshea Johnson. My opinion! Smiley

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Character analysis
Reply #4 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 11:19pm
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Mmmm ... Alec. y'know, he's the first reason I watched the show. I have a thing about ravaged faces. Why is Alec the way he is? Well, he's kinda Bondian if you look at the original time. It's not that he doesn't care, it's that he can't care for long. Why Straker? I question what happened to cement the friendship because they didn't share childhood together, growing up, playing games, besting each other at getting girls or grades. They came together later than that and men bond for reasons completely beyond the average female. (No, I'm not suggesting that anyone on here is average. We all write and that is non average.)

So, somewhere there was a "happening", something that told Alec this man was worth his trust, that Ed Straker, relatively proper Bostonian, military leader, at least an MS in astrophysics, was worth following, no matter where, no matter when, no matter what. Regardless of what  has happened between them since then, Alec stands at his right shoulder, through thick, thin, stupid personal decisions and self induced angst. (Yes, some of Straker's issues are indeed self induced.)

So: Alec the flirt, Alec who drinks on duty (sorry, but even in the 1960's that could get you canned in the US military. sloshed with regularity off duty, not an issue, alcoholism is still rampant in the US military, although we don't bruit it about.) Alec who argues with his commanding officer, Alec who would follow Ed Straker through hell if Ed said it was necessary ... Somewhere there is an explanation. I just haven't figured it out yet because Alec isn't the character most people focus on. Alec is very 1960's era "spy" in his portrayal, so like most of the spies of the era, we never know who he is exactly because Alec wears a mask. Ed sees behind that mask and is probably the only person who consistently does so. Alec is also Straker's conscience sometimes ... which given the spy thing, is kinda odd also.

So, at some point, Alec came in out of the cold because he was needed? See, questions upon questions upon questions and very little exploration. (OK, as soon as Sorcerer works itself out of my system, and Ford gets ... er... solved? I will have to figure out Alec.)

Although, oddly enough, I don't see him as having a bad relationship with his mother. No relationship, maybe. Or a cut short one ... but not bad somehow. Maybe orphaned at a critical moment ... oh, that would be great, the aliens took out his family. Sole Survivor time ...

Wow, I seem to have put more thought into Alec than I thought ... Shocked

Well, time to go home.  I'll have to see what Alec does now as I've got his alter ego figured out, somewhat.



oh, yeah ... zen ... definitely.

and Matt: no one on the show. Ayshea is too young and I figure Miss Ealand's gotta have a spouse (ex? dead? misplaced?) or a boy toy on call.  Grin

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #5 - Jul 9th, 2010 at 11:38pm
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Deb did a story called "Wounded Dreams" that explored the history of Alec and Ed. I liked it so much that I based most of my work on the events depicted there. (I did the same with Catherine Stewart's "By Invatation Only" for Ginny.)

Again the writer's of the series have left us with a lot of leeway.

By the way Dragon I really enjoyed your portrayal of Mary in "The Mary Chronicles" as well as the follow on. It was nice to see her grow up and see the truth!

Denise did a great job with her as well in "Full Circle".

As for Alec...
"But soft, what light by yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Julliet is the sun."

What do you mean, we're out of coffee!
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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #6 - Jul 10th, 2010 at 10:36am
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Alec... I noticed in one episode that he was standing by Ed's office door, (Exposed?  not sure) and he is fiddling with his ring finger as if he is wearing a wedding ring there, but he isn't. so.... didi he used to to wear a ring? I know that if I forget to put my ring on then my finger feels wierd and I often end up rubbing the skin where it should be.
Perhaps he was married?
Divorced.. I can see that being a distinct posssibility.. no children though for some reason.

As fro his relationship with Ed... fans of the  same football team? Nah!
The most likely scenario in my mind is that they met when serving in the forces... maybe in the same area.. although Alec is supposed to be australian.... (Canon anyone?) and Ed is definitely American... where/how would they have met?

Forget the past stories that other writers have come up with, excellent though most of them are. We know that Ed and  Alec met before SHADO started, (Alec .. COnfetti-check)

And wasn't Alec the first recruit to SHADO?  so unless he really really made a mess of things, he should be capable of running the show.
But is he? And where is the proof?
Could it be that Alec is capable, or at least once was, but that Ed is such a control freak that he has effectively emasculated ALec?

As for women in Alec's  life.. yes, flirt with the girls at work...but I bet he would prefer an older woman, ... elegant, discrete, wealthy, refined as his 'partner'  unless of course he is secretly gay and only flirts in order to hide the fact  (that's why he drinks.... he fancies Ed like mad and can't cope with being in the same room with him without having a drink to deaden his longing! Wink)

Well,,, it's possible.. isn't it? Shocked


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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #7 - Jul 10th, 2010 at 1:48pm
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Actually, Yuchtar explored that possibility in her stories, but she got so much flak from the UFO group for writing slash that she took them offline.  I thoroughly enjoyed the stories and still bug her occasionally to finish her trilogy.  (She only has the first two done.)  If you want to read them, email me privately and I'll give you her online fanfic site.  She doesn't advertise it, because she doesn't want to deal with irate UFO fans anymore.  But I have to tell you, she makes a convincing portrayal of an Alec who's been smitten for years with his best friend.  Cool
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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #8 - Jul 11th, 2010 at 12:24am
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I think I've read some of Yuchtar's and thought they played well. Don't know why the fans were such idiots. If you don't like it, don't read it. There was some tension between Caleb and Ed in my stories, of course, there was some tension between Caleb and Raven, too. (and he gave ford the lovecraft collection ... LOL) Not so much homoerotic as Caleb is just difficult ... he likes to worry people. Baka!  Wink

In some ways, SHADO is much like a Greek army, self contained. But, with the mores of the 20th century firmly in place, they basically outlawed involvement of any kind: can't tell the spouse, top secret. Can't involve in the unit, command issues. So, Alec, and everyone else is kinda left with the flirt and one night stand situation; which is culturally reprehensible. Is it any wonder they're all a bit off?


And that we spend a lot of time trying to find ways around that issue?

Lots of good stuff on Alec. Food for thought. We don't have to abandon our thoughts, and if the newbies want to throw in some thoughts of their own, please, feel welcome to do so! I'm gonna start another analysis ...  Grin


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Trust no one.

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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #9 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 4:38pm
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I reposted my post on Alec and it disappeared
I'll find the exact reference to his 'accent' in the script book and write it in .
Was he in uniform in COnfetti- check? its one of teh episodes I haven't watched muc.. need to redress that!

Yes ! Six weeks holiday starts next Friday..   so thats wrting, drawing, watching episodes of UFO.. housewortk?Nah.. you hoover. tidy, dust, polich. clean the bath etc and six months later you have to do it all over again.

Solved the problem of cleaning the bathroom last year.. I had a new bathroom fitted. I think I'll do that again when this on egets too dirty!

No one in SHADO ever does any housework.  Shocked

And they never go to the pub, or sit and watch tv.

What other things do they never do? Smiley

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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #10 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 4:59pm
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I don't think any of them ride the bus to work.  Cool

They don't seem to receive pay packets, so I presume they're all on direct deposit.

They seldom eat on screen.

And I'm not sure most of them have relations with their significant others ... LOL ... or is that, they seldom have significant others with whom to have relations?

They don't read for relaxation (even Ford who is credited with keeping track of such things as the World News, etc)

They never go home. (Except Straker and Paul)

They never get speeding tickets, flat tires, mechanical failures, lost dogs, pregnant cats, mouse infestations, roaches, or lack coffee.

And most of them never get caught wearing civvies.

  Cheesy Grin
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Trust no one.

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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #11 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 5:25pm
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They never drink tea.. And this is England after all.

They never have to refuel their cars.

They never have a shower, or a bath, or use the loo.

They never have nothing to do.

The computers never crash.

Roaches? we don't have those here .. thank heavens! but they never find a big spider and run away screaming.

They never go shopping... for anything.

They never listen to music ( apart from Miss Ealand's mini radio scene)

They never discuss football.
  Roll Eyes

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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #12 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 7:26pm
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ROFL on the spider. I have this huge rubber one from years ago for halloween and periodically find it. I don't scream, but the gasp and almost jump reaction is hysterical. (it would probably help if I didn't live in an area with tarrantulas ... not the dinner plate sized South American ones, but double handful sized.) We could gift moonbase with one?

Not Alec. (squished rubber spider ... no) LOL.

Joan? Gay? Nina? In Paul's luggage ... oh, yeah! LOL. Cheesy


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Re: Character analysis : Alec
Reply #13 - Jul 15th, 2010 at 7:56pm
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Will you STOP giving me story ideas.
I still have to work out what happens in Dark MAtter... I really don't want to do the story idea that I had planned as it was going to be my last Rachel Chronicle story ( very violent, very bloody and very 'angst' ) and I allowed myself to use part of the story (called 24) for Break TIme. But I don't want ot use any more of it. So I need to think of a new plot for DarkM. Hmmmm. }
I'll sleep on it.
There's no rush.

BTW.. i have a real real phobia about spiders.
shit.. I'll have nightmares now Angry

Wonder if  any SHADO people have phobias?  Cheesy

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Re: Character analysis
Reply #14 - Jan 6th, 2011 at 3:53am
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>>>>Mmmm ... Alec. y'know, he's the first reason I watched the show. I have a thing about ravaged faces.<<<<
Alec is the Charles Bronson of Shado Grin  In my canon I explained his face as having smallpox as a kid but it could have been zits I suppose and certainly that's an Outback face. the UFO book I have describes Alec as being ill as a kid.
>>>> Alec stands at his right shoulder, through thick, thin, stupid personal decisions and self induced angst. (Yes, some of Straker's issues are indeed self induced.)<<<
amen Wink

So: Alec the flirt, Alec who drinks on duty (sorry, but even in the 1960's that could get you canned in the US military. sloshed with regularity off duty, not an issue, alcoholism is still rampant in the US military<<<<
Alec's not an alcoholic never saw him that way. I figure Shado had its own rules that the other armed services didn't have advantage of. SHADO was a permanent tour of duty.
  watch him(Sewell) kill in doppleganger I can see that kill or be killed aspect in Alec. Combat pilots aren't exactly sissies.
>>>so like most of the spies of the era, we never know who he is exactly because Alec wears a mask.<<<
I don't agree with that. Alec is who he appears to be maybe being so open is how he is closed. Not that he hasn't got walls like Straker does.
Alec is what made me like Straker more. If Alec cared for Straker (whom Bishop called that old fart Straker ) then Straker was sterling. The one I'm working on explores the Straker-Freeman relationship (always a theme in my stuff). Alec will wipe the floor with Straker if he thinks Straker has it coming to him, but God or Goddess help the person who tries to do it to Straker. I always wanted Alec to punch Foster's lights out in Kill Straker  Grin Commander Straker doesn't have to take that  from anyone! (or something like that)
  >>>Ed sees behind that mask and is probably the only person who consistently does so. <<<
the opposite too.
In my canon, Alec met Straker (for the first time) at his lowest, and from then on, took care of him. Like a baby who bonds with the first person it connects with, Straker bonded with Alec without knowing it.  Smiley


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