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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!) (Read 6540 times)

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Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:08pm
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Thought I'd start a new topic  here!  Books Worth Reading!

Double Star!
What a fabulous story.. one of my favourites!  I'm going to have to get it out and read it again now!  Heinlein was a truly great writer...
  Another one;.....

Between Planets

Starship Troopers  ( I used an idea from this in Brief Encounters ... the history essay that Louise does is based on one of the essays that he does in History and Moral Philosophy!)  and what a travesty the  film was!

Starman Jones.. Wonderful stuff! 

( just listening to the Mexican music from Mindbender! Great stuff!) -- now its Close Up... spacewalk.. really eerie!

  Other good books you would recommend?

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #1 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:28pm
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Okay.  Let's see . . .

The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov
An incredible time travel story that confronts every time travel paradox out there!  The best!

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
A sad, but quite realistic view of Earth's attempts to colonize another planet.  Beautifully poetic writing -- not what you'd expect from a sci-fi story.

The Ice Limit by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Childs
All their stuff is excellent, but this one really spoke to me!  I was chewing my fingernails!  Very suspenseful!!!

Dune by Frank Herbert
A tale of epic proportions!  The sequels lacked the power of this one, but no prob!  Stop after the first and you'll never know the pathos of the rest!  I love the imagery and beauty of this story!  And talk about intrigue!!!!

Fear Nothing by Dean Koontz
Not your average sci-fi story!  Nor your average sci-fi protagonist either!  Chris Snow is the bomb!  The sequel Seize the Night goes on an even wilder ride than the first (which you won't believe is possible until you read it!)  Wish Dean would write more Chris Snow stories!

These are my five favorite sci-fi novels.  I also have a Top Five list of favorite fantasy novels, romance novels, and mystery novels.  (I like to read, okay?)  Cool

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #2 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:35pm
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Fear Nothing.. is that the albino man who is genetically engineered or something like that? Smashing story!
Love Dean Koontz stuff... Odd Thomas in particular!

Read Dune when I was younger.. (much much younger!) didn't make much sense then, but neither did LOTR! So i'll probably give it another go!

Try James White; Sector General series.. old fashioned but very goood from the psychological POV

John Scalzi...Old Man's War.. really weird ... 75 yr olds being transformed into soldiers but cracking good read!

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #3 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:49pm
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I'm heavy into Star Trek so my list will reflect that.

Ishmael by Barbara Hambly A great time travel and amnesia story!

Battlestations! by Diane Carry A Mary Sue, but a good one!

Strangers from the Sky by Margaret Wander Bonnano One of my favorite Star trek novels!

2001 A Space Oddessy by Authur C. Clark The book blew the movie away!

2010: Oddessy Two by Authur C. Clark Same thing, the book was much better than the movie!

I've also read a ton of Tom Clancy's work.  Smiley

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #4 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 3:57pm
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Ishmael! Must be my second ( only just though, come a very very close second!) favourite Star Trek book. isn't she a great writer!

I love The Entropy Effect by Vonda McIntyre
and the Romulan stories by Diane Duane. (Romulan Way, Empty Chair series)

Read any of the Darwath Trilogy by Duane? Fantastic stories!

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #5 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 4:59pm
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Wait a minute!  Barbara Hambly wrote the Darwath Trilogy!  She also wrote a few of my faves in fantasy, The Silent Tower and its sequels, and Those Who Hunt the Night and its vampiric sequel.  She's an awesome writer!  I don't think I've read any of her Star Trek stuff though (but I haven't read many of the ST novels anyway!)
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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #6 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 5:06pm
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Denise, you have to read Ishmael! If you can't find a copy anywhere let me know I'll mail you mine! Smiley

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #7 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 5:18pm
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got my three favourite authors mixed up.. I was busy doing a bit of Dark Matters while i was thinking of books.. and just got sidetracked! Sorry

(Old age creeping up on me!)As an apology I have posted the first bit of Dark Matters! And I am drawing Ed again later with long hair .. but with a centre parting this time!

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #8 - Jul 17th, 2010 at 5:20pm
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Yes Louise, she is! I've only read Ishmael, but it was a great read! Smiley

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #9 - Jul 18th, 2010 at 1:19am
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Books that influence dragon: Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, Sherilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunters, etc, Brian Daley's Doomfarers and Starfollowers of Coromonde, Hobart and Fitzhugh trilogy, LOTR, Chris Evans Iron Elves book 1 (looking for book 2), Stoker's Dracula, Anything by Lovecraft and his disciples; Saberhagen's Dracula books; Tim Powers (Mostly The Drawing of the Dark but also the Anubis Gates, The something of her regard, etc); Robert Hall's You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger; Howard's Solomon Kane; ERB Martian books, tarzan, venus, moon ... riproaring adventure books (that have had very bad movies made of them. The last one on Sci Fi annoyed me ... Love the actress playing deja Thoris, but DT was dark haired and not blond ... le sigh)

I have read and watched so much sci fi and fantasy, it's hard to figure out what influences me and what doesn't. I'm not big on the classic names ... they don't speak to me.

I can't remember half the stuff I've read ... even when I've re-read it ... sad.  Cry

Jules Verne ... managed not to read any of his stuff. And that one is really sad, maybe I should add that to my list of things to do in the next decade ...

Probably not a helpful list.

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #10 - Jul 18th, 2010 at 1:44am
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I've read The Hobbit, LOTR, and the Sillmarillion. My brother is big into J.R.R. Token! Smiley

"It is my precious... Hello my precious... Bless us and splash us... Food for my Precious! Wink

I know, I'm sick! Cool

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #11 - Jul 31st, 2010 at 1:24pm
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That's just some of the Sci-Fi & Fantasy I'd recommend  Grin

Darkover series  and everything else by Marion Zimmer-Bradley
Dragons of Pern cycles and everything else by Anne McCaffrey
Earthsea Trilogy by Ursula LeGuin
The Deryni, the Templar and the Adept novels by Katherine Kurtz
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser by Fritz Leiber
just about everything by Isaac Asimov
just about everything by Ray Bradbury
just about everything by Terry Pratchett
just about everything by Edmund Cooper

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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #12 - Aug 1st, 2010 at 4:12pm
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'The Demolished Man' by Alfred Bester
Virtually everything by John Wyndham
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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #13 - Aug 1st, 2010 at 6:38pm
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John Wyndham?  Chocky had a major impact on me!  I believe they drew from that when they wrote the screenplay for K-Pax.  Awesome concept!
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Re: Books Worth Reading (if you haven't already!)
Reply #14 - Aug 1st, 2010 at 10:09pm
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I've never read Chocky but my two favourites are The Chrysalids and The Kraken Wakes which I personally believe would make a really good film
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