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Normal Topic Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake (Read 957 times)

Everyone at SHADO drinks

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Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Apr 9th, 2011 at 6:03am
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Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
A UFO Short Story

Written by Matthew R. White
© April 8, 2011
Based on the Characters and series created by Gerry Anderson

Historians Note: This story takes place in December of 1983 about four month before Timelash.

It was well after ten in the evening when Colonel Virginia Lake finally made it to the lobby elevator that would whisk a very tired Ginny to her third floor apartment. I haven’t been home at a decent time any night this week, she thought as she arrived at her door.

Once inside, she dropped her coat and purse on the couch and made for her bedroom. I need to get comfortable. A few minutes later she came back out dressed in her favorite terrycloth robe and she strolled into her kitchen to put on water for her tea.

While the water was boiling, Virginia popped a CD into the stereo system and set the volume just above a whisper. It had started to snow on the way home and Ginny found herself wishing for a white Christmas, now only two weeks away.

After the water had boiled and her tea was steeping she pulled her journal out of the safe and set it on the coffee table. Having a journal could be considered a security risk but Ginny had kept one since she was a child. The Commander allowed it on the condition that she keep it under lock and key along with the other SHADO papers an officer in her position often had at home. The safe was tamper proof and would implode if it was fooled with, destroying everything inside.

Virginia wandered back into the kitchen to retrieve her tea, a mint variety that she preferred at bedtime. While she busied herself with mundane matters she considered the reasons for her sense of remorse. I can’t believe it’s been a year, she thought as she sat down on her couch. As the strains of Tchaikovsky played in the background, which only added to her melancholy mood, she picked up her journal and began to write.

I finally realized late today why I’ve been so on edge. A year ago tonight, Craig took me to see The Nutcracker, our first date. It was a wonderful show and we both enjoyed it immensely. I still think about him every now and then and I wonder what would have happened had he not been killed during reentry. Knowing now that it wasn’t Craig who came back has helped me put things in perspective. I do miss him.

It still makes me angry when I think about how everyone at work saw us. The sniggers, the dirty grins, and people didn’t think that I’d notice. Date a man more than once and automatically you’re sleeping with him. Doesn’t anyone have any respect for themselves anymore? I did love Craig, and I was falling in love with him. And there are some people that don’t know the difference. Admittedly I was ready to explore the avenue of intimacy with him, because I thought we were going to have a future together. But that never happened. Why do things have to be this way?

I guess it’s my own fault with Paul. Yes he did give me a shoulder to cry on and he did save my life, but that was no reason to start dating him. John Grey was right when he warned me and I should have listened. I know people still talk about us, I’ll walk into a room and the conversation will just stop. It’s so damned obvious that they were talking about me. It hurts to be thought of that way. Why do people always assume the worst?

Thank goodness Ed doesn’t treat me like that as I don’t think I could bear it. He seems to have included me in his small circle of friends as of late and he doesn’t know how much that means to me, well yes he does, I told him that I cared about him before he went on the repair mission with Craig.

  At the time I thought it might have been a mistake, but now I’m glad I told Ed that I didn’t sleep around. I think he’s the only one who believes me. I was surprised when he sat down to eat with me late this afternoon. We occasionally have breakfast together usually to discuss business but Ed almost always takes his evening meal in his office alone. I wonder if he knew what today was? It’s inconceivable that Craig didn’t tell him that he was taking me out, they were close friends.

She paused to grab a tissue to blot up a tear that had fallen on the pad. The tear had covered Ed’s name and the act of blotting it had smudged the ink slightly giving his name a softer look. Virginia composed herself and continued writing.

It would be just like him to do something like that and not say a word. He hates it when people tell him how kind he can be. I have to admit, I live for those moments. I should call Mom and find out what she is doing Christmas Eve. I have to work second shift the next day. I don’t know how he does it but Ed always finds a way to give those with spouses and children the day off. This is the one time of year that he insists on scheduling himself. No one had better compare him to Ebenezer Scrooge, at least while in my presence.

Things have been quiet with our unwelcome visitors. Since the incident a few months ago, we haven’t seen much of them. Maybe it will stay that way for a while. After all this time, we still don’t know why.

Virginia closed her journal and returned it to the safe, closing the door and setting the lock.

She placed her teacup on the counter next to the sink and turned off the stereo on the way to her bedroom. She still had to comb out her hair out and tomorrow was going to be another busy day.

As her head hit the pillow she found her thoughts racing about all she had written, torn between things that would never be, and things that she wished could be. That night, Colonel Virginia Lake, Executive Officer, SHADO, cried herself to sleep.

« Last Edit: Apr 9th, 2011 at 2:48pm by Matt »  

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Everyone at SHADO drinks

Posts: 2391
Location: Coventry, RI
Re: Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2011 at 1:49am
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Why: From the Diary of Virginia Lake
My thoughts:

It is not often that an author’s thoughts on a story end up being longer than the story itself, but in this case I feel it necessary.

Let us look at the story first; it opens with Colonel Lake walking into the lobby of her apartment building after another long day at HQ. Once inside she tosses her purse and coat on the couch, not bothering to put them away. This action should have revealed to the reader that something is up as Virginia Lake is a very meticulous individual. Instead she heads straight for her bedroom and gets comfortable. We know from her thoughts that it has been a busy week for her.

Now dressed in be in for the night she puts on tea and selects a piece of music to listen to. This piece is set in 1983 and CD players had hit the market just a couple of years prior. I mention her journal as well as the safeguards she uses to protect it as someone in her position keeping a journal could be considered a security risk. The choice of music along with her thoughts shed only a tad of insight as to what is troubling Ginny.

Once she starts writing the mystery is revealed, she was thinking about first date with Craig, and all the things that would never be. That would be enough to make anyone melancholy. Her choice of music for the evening now makes sense. We find out that Virginia is also upset about some misconceptions as to the parameters of her relationship with Craig and later with Paul. We find out that the notion of casual sexual promiscuity without the promise of a future together disgusts her.

She admits that she was beginning to fall in love with Craig and had he lived she might have explored physical intimacy with him. Her feelings about Paul are revealed as well, how he gave her a shoulder to cry on, and they ended up in a rebound relationship. But Virginia is an intelligent woman and she doesn’t allow herself to get intimate with Paul.

She thinks about Ed, and we know from Silver Star that she has very strong feelings for the Commander. That fact, coupled with the knowledge that Ed does not buy into the gossip, gives some her comfort. She realizes as she is writing that Ed had been kind to her today by having dinner with her in the cafeteria at HQ. The notion brings her to tears and one of them lands on Ed’s name. When she blots it with the tissue it softens its look. True to form, Ed did not like his kindness being noticed or overstated but we know from Ginny’s written thoughts that the moments are very special to her.

She contemplates the alien threat being careful not to mention anything SHADO by name in her journal. When she is done she puts the diary back in the safe, set the lock and gets herself ready for bed. Between the stress of the day and the memories of things that never would be, or things that may never be, Virginia cries herself to sleep.

I wrote this story as a deep exploration into Ginny’s character, to see how she would handle certain things, like Craig’s death, gossip, the pressures of her position, and her thoughts about the Commander. I really had fun with the tear landing on Ed’s name; it added a whole new emotional dimension to the story.

For reasons unknown, the character of Virginia Lake is considered by some to be a sexually free and active woman, an opinion formed by the events of one, out of the nine episodes, that she appeared in. It is a very highly subjective view as there is not a shred of solid canon evidence to support the statement. Had Virginia been shown with a different man in each episode, then that viewpoint might have more credibility.

Let us look at some history; the episode, The Man Who Came Back, first aired on February 3, 1971 and the sexual revolution was well under way in the United States. In the UK however, that was not the case, at least according to friends I have who live there. Regardless of that, most of the promiscuous behavior that took place in that time period was by those in their late teens, on up through the late twenties. And even then, it was still frowned upon by the majority, up until almost the beginning of the eighties. Add to that, the double standard of sexual conduct between men and woman that still exists even today.

In order for Virginia Lake to be the chief designer for the Utronic equipment, she would have to hold an advanced degree (most likely a doctorate) in applied and/or theoretical physics. That is normally an eight year program and according to my sources most of those graduate courses cannot be challenged. In addition she would have had to been with Westbrook for a while to have landed that position. Remember, this was the chauvinistic seventies. That means that Virginia was not a kid, she had to be at least in her mid thirties in Identified.

With all of this in mind, it is highly unlikely that Virginia Lake was a sexually freed and active woman. The evidence simply is not there, which brings me to my next point. This story was labeled by certain parties as a case of canon/character derailment, OOC, Possessive Sue, Fixit Fic, and so on.

The very first rule of processing feedback whether it is good or bad, is to look at it objectively. Often negative feedback is much more helpful than positive feedback and can be a writer’s best friend and means for improving their craft.

So let us look at the facts, in order for this piece to derail canon or character, it would have to obviously violate canon in some way. Since the details of Ginny’s relationship with either Craig or Paul were never revealed, we do not know anything other than what was shown on the screen. And this piece does not violate anything that was shown on the screen. Subjective evidence does not count as the term implies, it is subjective. Since the term Fixit Fic goes hand in hand with canon derailment, it too does not apply. OOC, short for out of character, implies that I wrote Virginia radically different than she was shown in the series. I have to disagree; I portrayed her exactly as I saw her in the show, professional and cool on the outside, but warm and caring underneath. Since characterization is also highly subjective, I have to dismiss that charge as well. (Had I written her as a table dancer at night then OOC would apply.)

I had to do quite a bit of digging to find the definition for Possessive Sue. The only way Google could find it was to add Mary Sue to the search term. Because this term deals with a favorite character, and Virginia is my favorite character, I had to give this some extra thought. By straight definition just about every character in SHADO could be considered a Mary Sue, in retrospect, all of them were the best in their fields, they all had stratospheric IQ’s, the women were all beautiful, most of the guys were handsome, it was a Mary Sue convention.

I have added some aspects to Virginia’s character, she plays classical piano, she’s a pilot, later on she discovers a knack for drawing, and she generally abstains from alcohol as a matter of choice. None of this is outside the realm of realism. Now if I had her working on cars, riding horses, or cleaning stalls, that might raise an eyebrow. I portray her as someone who appreciates the arts, musicals, opera (I hate opera), the symphony. I have had to research much of this materiel as most of it is not my forte. But everything here is in keeping with the interests of an independent well educated woman of the time period. So I do not see the Possessive Sue tag as being applicable. But I do appreciate the time that was taken to give their opinion.

Writing a diary for a character from a TV show can be very difficult, as the point of view is always third person objective. The only clues the viewer has are the expressions and dialogue, both what is said, and how it is said. Some of the clues are very subtle and you need to pay close attention. In addition to the onscreen canon, I also took into consideration every piece, I have read, that had Ginny in it to help cement my view of her innermost thoughts. It is not an easy task to complete successfully.

Denise asked my how a guy was able to write a woman’s journal entry and make it believable. The first step was to indentify the emotions as they would be the same regardless of gender. Once I did that I had to try to look at the situation from a woman’s point of view. Having many female friends over the years has helped, as well as being a very good listener. I have written a few stories that normally would be hard for a guy to write, Best Friends was one of them. I can only say that by listening to my lady friends over the years I have been blessed with a unique perspective that has allowed me to write from a woman’s point of view. I do not know what that says about me, but there it is.

I hope everyone enjoyed my take on Ginny’s diary.


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