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Normal Topic Repercussions (Read 2044 times)

UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Apr 23rd, 2011 at 11:32am
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A Sequel to Error of Judgement
Claire Steed
© 2002 & 2011 All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and ideas are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended
May not be reproduced without permission   

Chapter One

"This is Space Intruder Detector - UFO bearing one four two blue.  Speed sol eight decimal three five, range eighteen million miles … closing."  The disembodied voice of SID in orbit around the Earth, SHADO’s perpetual interstellar watchdog, informed Moonbase of the impending attack.

"Check." Gay Ellis aimed the command at Lieutenant Joan Harrington, swinging round in the command chair to face her subordinate as the words left her lips.  Adrenaline ran a little higher this morning as Harrington turned quickly to face the Moonbase Commander.

"Confirm … I have a bearing one four two blue, speed sol eight."

Ellis swung her microphone round to face her, leaning in close.  "Interceptors immediate launch, interceptors immediate launch … this is a red alert, repeat a red alert."

As if they were waiting for the command to be issued the colours above the monitors of the Moonbase stations changed abruptly from cool pale yellow to vibrant red.

* * *

The three pilots on duty swung swiftly into the launch chutes, appearing a short while later in the cockpits of the Interceptors.  Engines roared and they were away, three white beacons in the cold emptiness of space, rapidly forming their normal regulation pattern high above the jagged teeth of the moon's surface. 

* * *

On Moonbase duty for the next few days, Captain Lew Waterman was more used to dealing with earth bound UFO attacks as Captain of one of the fleet of Skydiver submarines.  He was glad of the change of duty, kept him from becoming too complacent, too stale. 

He switched on the communications link. 

"Interceptor Leader to base" he said quickly, "spaceborne, awaiting firing instructions."

Gracefully, the interceptors moved further into space, eagerly pursuing the target, like a dog after a bone.

"Be right with you Lew" Ellis said looking over at Harrington for confirmation. 

A slot on Harrington's desk spilled paper out at her and she took it swiftly, turning to Ellis as she did so.

"Interceptor Leader - missile firing sequence 121002, time - twelve decimal fifteen seconds."

Gay Ellis transmitted the co-ordinates to Waterman adding: "Interceptors two and three -  further firing in ten decimal fifteen seconds."

"Roger control" Waterman's smooth voice intoned, "out."

Their work done for the moment, Gay Ellis and the rest of Moonbase waited silently for  confirmation that the interceptors had shot the UFO down.   

* * *

Out in space, high above the moon, the chase began; normal at first – just like every other pursuit.  Then just as the interceptors were closing on it, the UFO suddenly veered off.  It’s constant bobbing and weaving making it near impossible for them to get a computer lock.  Waterman cursed inwardly, if they could only use manual control for this one then they might just stand a chance of bringing it down.

* * *

Back on Moonbase, Lieutenant Nina Barry called a warning: "UFO changing course … bearing one four nine green, speed … speed increasing" she said, her voice rising a little. 

"Course?" Ellis caught the inflected rise, but maintained her own cool, approach.

"Moonbase" Barry turned in her chair to face the commander.

Grabbing the microphone Ellis spoke quickly: "Lew, its changing course … it appears to be on a collision course with this station."

"Understood" he said simply, but Ellis heard the strain in his voice.

He knew it had changed course; he’d been trying to follow it for the last few minutes, now that the new target had been confirmed he wasted no time in getting new firing sequences and swung into formation with Mark Bradley in interceptor three and Steve Minto in two.  Just above and to the left of interceptor three, Waterman fired his missile; watching in alarm as it narrowly missed the UFO.   Interceptor two fired; that missile just whispered past the UFO, never getting close enough to bring it down.     Waterman knew their only remaining chance to bring it down now rested with Mark.  Bradley fired the missile and Waterman watched as it collided with the UFO, it was not a direct hit but it was enough; the UFO swung out of control.  Lew Waterman half punched the air as well as he was able to in the small confines of the cockpit, he turned in his seat to give a thumbs up to Mark Bradley, when Bradley's voice came over the radio: "Lew get out of there, get out, get out."

Waterman was momentarily stunned by Bradley's tone, he was about to ask for clarification but sudden movement made him face forward. The remains of the UFO were heading straight for him. 

* * *

A cold hard frost lay late on the spring grass.  It mirrored the mood of the man driving the car along the peaceful English country lanes.  Frost had also turned the road white and it lay there, silently, sparkling like glass ... waiting.

A light snow began to fall, and Straker cursed.  Turning the windscreen wipers on, he took his eyes off the road ahead for a minute, and that was all it took - his car met the waiting ice and the car skidded over it, dancing drunkenly like an old matron at a Christmas party.

Straker caught unawares, struggled with the steering wheel, trying to guide the car into the skid, tried to stop it getting worse, but the car had other ideas, it spun round, sliding.  Everything else around him reeled wildly as he fought to regain control; trees and bushes yawned out at him like something possessed.  The engine stalled and the car stopped abruptly, leaving him facing the opposite direction.  Pain arced up through his left arm as the muscles he’d strained wrestling with the steering wheel screamed for mercy, and he cried out at the suddenness of it.  He let go a frustrated breath - this was all he needed this morning.   

Now he would be late for his meeting with Henderson, the time was already approaching ten am, and the meeting was set for ten thirty.  Against the pain, and the absurdness of his present situation, Straker allowed himself a small smile as he imagined the great General James Henderson being kept waiting at HQ.  He gave himself a few more moments, then checking the road was clear he turned the key in the ignition and the engine roared back at him.  Executing a less than perfect three point turn on the deserted frosty road, he gingerly turned the car round and carried on.  Favouring his aching left arm he kept his eyes fixed on the road ahead, slowly he reached down for the phone, lifted it to his ear and called HQ.

* * *

Lew Waterman tried vainly to evade the remains of the monstrosity, knowing there was nowhere he could go but down.  He had to manouvre past Bradley's craft, but there wasn’t enough room and he had no choice but to whisper an apology to his colleague, and prayed they would both make it.  The skis of his ship caught the fin on the top of interceptor three and both ships tumbled towards the Moon’s surface, along with the remains of the UFO which then veered off wildly as though it were alive, before finally relenting to the cold hard darkness of space.  Eventually it made contact with the moons' surface where it exploded in a shower of orange flame and vaporised. 

Waterman fought heroically with the controls of interceptor one.  He’d done everything he could, given the present circumstance to avoid colliding with interceptor three but his ship was unresponsive now, broken and clumsy and he ran out of choices.  Now, Waterman’s craft was spinning wildly out of control. 

His ejector seat was useless.  Even if he could operate it there wasn’t time to get into his spacesuit.  He had no choice but to go down.

Bradley had managed to bring his own craft under some semblance of control, and was willing Waterman to do the same but Lew’s ship careered crazily down to the hostile lunar surface at great speed.  Waterman was helpless where he was, he could see Mark's face clearly, the hopelssness of the situation etched over his dark features.  Both men realised interceptor one was going down.  Waterman fought with his ship all the way, trying vainly to rescue it from its death throes until finally the dead ship gave up and just fell heavily, crashing ungainly onto the surface of the moon.  The force of the collision sheared off the skis, and the interceptor skidded slightly across the moon's surface.  It lurched menacingly up against some rocks before coming to rest at a slight tilt.  Lew was thrown forward into the controls and then sideways as the ship came to a halt; the last thing he remembered was the choking grey smoke filling the cockpit.

* * *

James Henderson arrived in a chauffeur driven car, on time as usual.  He stalked in through reception and down to Straker's office.  Miss Ealand met him as he came in. 

"Commander Straker has been delayed sir" she said slowly gauging the general's mood, "he sends his apologies, had a bit of car trouble."

"Hmph … well I'll wait for him in his office." He scowled back at her and went through into the upstairs office.  The doors closed shut behind him and the 'Do Not Enter' sign over the door gleamed back at her.  Used to the General's gruff manner she calmly called Freeman in Straker’s underground office to relay the news of the commander’s delayed arrival, and then went back to her work.

Alec Freeman was enjoying a cigarette when Henderson came in, Alec replaced the phone on Straker's desk. 

"He's been delayed" he said as the general sat down at the table near the far wall.

"So I understand." He looked at his watch and poured himself a coffee from the pot prepared for the meeting.

Taking a seat at the conference table, he took a drink and then waited for a few moments before he said: "It’s a bad business colonel; perhaps we should look again at our recruitment procedures … I cannot abide that we had someone like Andrews trick his way in here … it just doesn’t make sense."  Finishing his coffee he threw it into the trash can, looking over at Freeman, his face reddening with the growing anger he was trying, and failing, to suppress:  "Whoever was responsible for the final say in hiring … "

"It’s gone way past that now General" Alec said, keeping his own voice soft and placating so that Henderson had to be quiet to hear him.  "Procedures can change yes, that is without  doubt, necessary.  But our most important problems right now are to get Ford out of that coma, and make certain that the right punishment is meted out to the architect in all of this."

"Hmm … yes Ford doesn’t deserve this" Henderson said slowly, "of course, I don’t know the man too well but I do know he is considered by some to be the best in his field."

Alec didn’t want this to become a full blown argument over the good and bad points of who thought what about whom, so he just nodded and changed the subject.

Henderson wouldn’t let him. 

"Is there any chance the coma can be broken?"

"Not from what the doctor’s tell me."

Obviously Henderson wanted to talk about Ford, so Alec tried a different tack: "In a way it’s a blessing" he said simply.

"A blessing Colonel  … how?"

"Well, we don’t know yet what they did to Ford when they took him, but what they did to the girl … well he can't find out … not yet anyway."

"Jackson said the autopsy found she was pregnant … a few weeks by all accounts."

"Yes, well whatever it was General … it wasn't human … I think you'll find he said that too."

"Well, whatever it was … it was dead before she was apparently … better she's buried now and given a bit of dignity after all this."

* * *

Upstairs at studio level Ed Straker stalked into his outer office, taking his sunglasses off as he did so.

"Is he here Miss Ealand?" he knew the answer before he asked the question,

"Yes sir, he's waiting in your office …. with Freeman, and Doctor Jackson will be there momentarily."

"Thank you er … hold all my calls … " he checked his watch, "for the next hour at least."  Then, turning away from her he went into the office.

"Very good sir."  Once again she looked up as the doors closed behind him; again the 'Do Not Enter' sign gleamed back at her.

Emerging in the underground corridors of HQ he knew this meeting wasn't going to be fun.  Meetings with Henderson rarely were; had to be done though he mused. 

He walked calmly through the corridors, no one knew the inner turmoil he was concealing, no-body ever did.  He was close to losing the best communications officer they had, and he felt completely powerless to help the man recover.  Powerless was a feeling he did not like. 

The recent report into the autopsy of Miss Perryman played across his thoughts as he approached his office.  Was that another memory Ford had suppressed before he too went into the coma?  If it didn't he mused, what would be Ford's reaction if and when they got him back.

His manner belied none of this inner turmoil as he walked calmly through control nodding good mornings to those who greeted him.  At his approach the doors to his office opened and he drew himself up straighter than ever, gave himself a little more height.

"Sorry I'm late" was all he said as he moved over to the conference table, the doors closed behind him.  Straker sat down, helped himself to a coffee nodding curtly at Alec as he did so.

"Gentlemen" he said, "shall we begin?"

Henderson blew out a heavy sigh: "Not waiting for the good doctor to join us Commander?"

Straker looked at his watch, "We can start without him, he'll be here momentarily I am informed."   

As he began looking through the appeal paperwork, the buzzer on his desk sounded, Lieutenant Johnson informed him Jackson was waiting.  Suppressing a sigh, he got up from the conference table and moved to the desk, reaching over he opened the doors. 

Jackson walked in calmly, his hands behind his back.  Henderson had expected the doctor to attend the meeting in his customary black suit but today Jackson was doctor first and psychiatrist second, today he attended the meeting in his yellow doctor's tunic; he sat down opposite Freeman.  Once the meeting was concluded Jackson wanted to get straight back to Mayland.   

Straker followed after Jackson and sat down still flicking through the paperwork. "Doctor Jackson" he said, "perhaps you can enlighten us as to what happens next."

Jackson merely looked over at Straker, seeming to appraise him "Glad to see you are unscathed commander."   

Not being the response he expected Straker looked up, a puzzled expression crept over that finely boned face and he frowned in annoyance at the doctor. 

"Your incident with the car this morning … "

Knowing full well that Jackson was known as the eyes and ears of  SHADO, Straker mentally deferred any thoughts of how Jackson got hold of the information.  The most obvious person he’d probably spoken to was Miss Ealand, yet he knew she would rather cut out her own tongue than tell anybody anything that Straker did not want known, Jackson was no exception.  Still, Straker knew Jackson was wily enough to get the information somehow.  He smiled a little as he thought that they were lucky to have his expertise on their side.

"Doctor Jackson … we are not here to talk about my incident" he sighed, inclining his head slightly, "we are here on much more urgent business, now perhaps you'd answer my question."  Straker pressed his lips together and leaned back in the chair.

Jackson suppressed a sly smile, he folded his arms and sat back in the chair, casting his glance to the floor as he so often did.

"Capital punishment for a capital offence" Henderson said coldly. 

Jackson's head snapped up: "Yes General" he said slowly, "but its much more than one offence … Lieutenant Ford … "

"Yes … yes … I know all about Lieutenant Ford's condition" he said wearily, and both Alec and Straker looked across at each other as the General spoke.  "I looked in on him earlier" he said for clarification. "As you were delayed Straker … I thought I'd use the time constructively."  He smiled a cold smile over at Straker who blanked the stare and moved over to his own desk.

Alec stubbed out his cigarette a little harder than was necessary, his anger at Andrews still evident, he had promised himself on more than one occasion that if Andrews was ever freed he would soon put the man out of his misery.

* * *

Mark Bradley's radio was out so he had no way of contacting Moonbase.  The command staff had watched the distant battle from the windows of Moonbase, their powerful binoculars relaying every harrowing detail.  Before interceptor one hit the ground, Gay Ellis was already despatching medical and rescue teams to the area.

Any thoughts of despair she’d had over the downing of Lew’s craft were pushed back, had to be; there was no room for emotions at a time like this.  Cool professionalism took over and now, back behind her desk, she pulled her microphone closer to her. 

"Interceptor three … Mark … come in Mark." 

Static spat back at her.

"Gay, we can’t see anything at the moment … too much dust" that came from Steve Minto, piloting interceptor two.

"I can’t raise Lew … " Gay started.

"I’m on it … I’ll over fly the area … hang on …"

* * *

Mark Bradley was beside himself, known for his methodical detachment most of the time; he was blaming himself for this.  A moments miscalculation had caused this, he felt guilt tugging at him, he wanted to get out of this damned machine, this floating heap of metal which wouldn’t let him talk to base … he took a few steadying breaths. 

This attitude wouldn’t help Lew.  He manoeuvered the stricken ship out of the duty debris and out where Steve Minto could see him, pointed at his helmet mic and drew a finger across his throat to indicate his radio was out and then pointed over towards base.

"It’s ok Gay" Minto said, "Mark's heading back in … minus his antenna … his radio’s out … that’s why you can’t get him."

Gay exhaled a breath she didn’t know she was holding, hoping for a positive reponse to her next question: "And Lew?"

There was a heavy silence for a minute or so.

"No sign Gay … going round once more, see if there’s anything I can do till the rescue crew get here … Minto out."

She turned round to see Joan Harrington and Nina Barry watching her, waiting for instructions.

"Lets hope we get them all come back in one piece" she said and hoped they believed her because right now she didn’t trust herself to believe Lew would survive that crash.  It had looked devastating on the monitors and she could only imagine the awful condition he must be in.  Keeping her expression blank, she made the connection to Earth and buzzed SHADO HQ.

* * *

Kent Ridley was a man in a hurry.  Recently drafted into SHADO’s legal team, he was proud of his military record in the British Army where he’d specialised in legal defence at his time with Army legal Services.  He’d worked hard to reach the top of his game in the army and when he couldn’t go any higher was itching to leave and start up his own practice in civvy street.  Then the offer from a certain General Henderson had been suggested to him, and he was intrigued.  A military man all his life, he was used to, and was well indoctrinated into the military regimen.  He had a sense of purpose to the armed forces, it was his kind of family, the only one he’d ever known, and more than that he belonged.  Now he wanted more than anything to belong to this new family, and he was damned well gonna show Ed Straker and his organisation exactly what he was made of.  Jackson had been eager to learn the way he’d been preparing the case for Andrews’ defence, but Ridley was used to dealing with over inquisitive prosecutors, and he easily rebuffed the doctor.  What he didn’t know was that Jackson had his own ways of getting the information he required, and in that respect, Ridley was a babe in arms.

Ridley was worried.  Not because of Jackson; he’d faced prosecutors like him before.  No, he was worried about defending the indefensible. Usually in his military career he’d taken cases that he knew needed defending.   He never participated in show trials or was in it ‘for the money.’

Kent Ridley was a man of principle and he was deadly worried about this case.  Did Straker have some ulterior motive for wanting him to defend this man … or was there something else?  He knew Straker could just be using him to ‘go through the motions’ of a defence and if that proved to be the case then Ridley was more than ready to put his commanding officer straight.  Ridley did not, never had, and never would be a puppet of the regime he was working for; he was his own man and he would make sure Straker knew it.
« Last Edit: Apr 24th, 2011 at 3:21pm by Claire »  
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Repercussions
Reply #1 - Apr 24th, 2011 at 3:22pm
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Thanks for doing the edits, my system flat out refuses to play ball.  One of these days our systems may talk to each other but for now they're at opposite ends of the playground glaring at each other  Undecided
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Repercussions
Reply #2 - Apr 25th, 2011 at 7:59pm
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Chapter:  Two

"The accused will stand" boomed the voice of General James Henderson. 

Lieutenant Garry Andrews stood slowly, eyes downcast. 

Henderson continued: "Under article 183 of our charter you have been found guilty of all charges levelled against you, the most serious of all these charges is espionage." 

Andrews raised his head and stared blankly into thin air.

"The sentence is specific," Henderson went on, "the execution will be fixed for 1400 hours on the 13th of next month," he paused for no more than a minute then, "this court martial is closed."  Henderson reached for his paperwork and put it back in its briefcase, he stood and stiffly left the room, impassive, unreadable - his back ramrod straight; just like the last time he’d been in this position - when they’d found Paul Foster guilty of the same offence; then he’d been set up by an industrial spy and Straker had almost torn the place apart to find the truth, luckily for Paul Foster he was innocent. 

Andrews on the other hand was as guilty as hell, everyone knew it. 

The other two officers who had sat with him and the military counsel quickly followed Henderson from the room. 

Andrews and his counsel went next. 

Andrews, heavily handcuffed and dejected looking, walked slowly out of the room.  His shoulders hunched over, he knew he'd be found guilty; it was the waiting for it to be announced that had gotten to him.  Now he'd be put to death next month like some common criminal.  Throughout the duration of the trial he'd convinced himself he would not be sentenced to death such was his over-riding belief in himself; sadly it was to prove his own downfall.  Oh there'd be an appeal he knew that, if that failed then … he let the thought trail off. 

Madness edged his vision as he looked wildly around him for a place to run, but there was nowhere to go.  Heavily guarded and flanked by armed guards he stood little chance of escape.

As he passed by the impassive form of Commander Ed Straker he looked forcibly down at the ground, he could not meet the icy glare levelled at him. 

Freeman on the other hand, would have willingly carried out the death sentence right here, right now.  But he knew that protocol and procedure had to be followed right down to the letter, even though in his opinion Andrew's had forfeited any rights he'd had when he knowingly forged that first signature. 

True, they had stopped him before he'd done anything that couldn't be fixed, except for Lieutenant Keith Ford still in ICU Mayland, still in the coma, left there in that black cloud of unknowing as a result of Andrews's actions. 

Ford's suspension at the hands of Straker had been too quick, too clinical in Alec’s opinion, yet it seemed the only option open to them after it appeared that Ford had knowingly transmitted the document giving class A1 clearance to a British Naval Captain out on the high seas. 

The simple mistake had raised doubts about Ford's capability.  After all, it wasn't the first time he'd done something like this, but there was just something not quite right about the situation and Freeman had personally intervened. 

* * *

Ford had always taken the blame for his own mistakes, but this time he'd told the commander that he had not signed that document, and Freeman was convinced something was wrong. 

Shortly after he'd been suspended, Ford was found wandering out on a main road where he'd been knocked down by a car and ended up in hospital with head injuries, he'd been found out on Sycamore Road, some twenty miles east from the studio.  Alarmingly it was also the scene of a UFO incident and they'd found Ford was involved in that too; yet he was meant to be at home on suspension. 

When they'd finally got Ford back to Mayland he'd seen the girl who attacked Straker.  The unexpected sight of the girl, his close friend, had pushed him over the edge; he'd suffered a breakdown at the sight of her corpse on the trolley there in the corridor.  Eventually they got him stabilised, but such a breakdown after the brain surgery he'd endured some two weeks earlier after the accident had caused the lieutenant to collapse suddenly, eventually falling into the coma in which he now lay.

Straker made to leave, and it broke Alec's train of thought.  The two men left the nondescript bare room and headed back in the direction of control.

"How's Ford doing Alec, any news?"

"Still the same, I thought we could get him out of it by now … six weeks is a long time Ed."

"Mmm" Straker said, he clasped his hands behind his back, long legs taking long slow strides.  "What haven't we tried Alec … I mean with all this technology there must be something?"

"Perhaps it's not technology we need," Alec returned, lighting a cigarette.  He took a long drag from it and exhaled slowly.

"I was just thinking Ed, when Keith was over in Wexham, there was a nurse over there that I think he'd taken a shine to …  perhaps she could help, I know she gave Keith her telephone number … "

He let the sentence trail off, unsure at the moment of how Straker would feel letting an outsider into Mayland.   

Straker, still walking with his hands behind his back nodded slowly as if mulling it over.

"There's always the amnesia procedure, Alec," he said and Alec smiled a little, knowing the commander would answer the unspoken question, "she can always have that afterwards …   but if she can help get him back … then we have no choice … bring her in." 

Alec inhaled gratefully on the cigarette again and nodded.

"Ok, I'll see if I can find her number."

Coming to a junction in the underground maze of tunnels, which linked all areas of the base, the two men parted company.

"I'll meet you back in my office in say half an hour?" Straker said as he turned left.

"Sure," Alec turned right, heading for corridor 32.

* * *

Straker carried on walking; silver white head bowed in deep thought.  Hands still clasped behind his back, his thoughts turned to Ford and what the doctors had told them - If he stays in the coma longer than four weeks - it doesn't look good.

Well, Straker thought to himself, today is the middle of week six.  God help us, he swore under his breath.  The doctors were doing all they could, Alec had been there every day, talking to the unconscious man and keeping him apprised of developments with Andrews and the court martial, reinforcing Ford's innocence in all of this.   Trying, unsuccessfully for the moment to give the man anything to grab onto, anything to bring him back.

There was still no response, but Freeman had simply refused to give up.  Like Shroeder, he believed that the lieutenant would pull through.   Any other outcomes were simply not being allowed to see the light of day at the moment. 

It was Alec's insistence that the man would come round if they persisted and when Alec had suggested the nurse.  He sincerely hoped Alec would be able to find her number.

The commander raised his head as he came into control; nodding to staff as they acknowledged him.  He asked Lieutenant Johnson to bring him some coffee then closed the doors, lighting a cigar he sat down on the chair behind his desk. 

* * *

Alec walked into the quiet sterile ICU ward where Keith Ford lay, sauntering in as though he owned the place. 

Dr Shroeder was on duty today and the doctor acknowledged Alec then left him alone for a few minutes.  He worked close by, keeping a watchful eye on the ICU room.

"Hey Keith," Alec said lightly, "remember that pretty nurse you were so fond of?" he looked down at Ford as he spoke, the man remained still, no signs of life.  Alec frowned, he'd hoped the mention of the nurse would have produced a flicker, something. 

Ford remained still and lifeless. 

Alec did not curse as he usually would, no negative influences he told himself. 

"Well, Commander Straker has agreed to her coming in to see you, but you got to tell me where her number is," he did not take his eyes away from Keith's face as he kept talking.  Alec reasoned this was getting harder to do, there just didn't seem to be any signs of life at all, save for the monitors and machines they had Ford hooked up to.   

He shook his head - it's a damn shame Keith he thought to himself, you were just getting over the accident.  He suppressed a sigh.

* * *

The doctors had assured him that Ford was getting the essential nutrients his body needed and he was regularly monitored.  Although the machines were keeping him alive, pumping blood around his system, Alec thought Keith’s skin looked pale and waxy, so their reassurances did nothing to assuage the concern he felt.  If they were going to try anything it had to be now.  He busied himself looking through the bedside cabinet, the damned number had to be there somewhere. 

"Oh well," he said softly, "at least if I can't find it here I can always go over to the hospital again."  He smiled at the thought, he might even see that pretty nurse on reception again. 

He cast an eye over the room - where else?….his eyes settled on the dressing gown draped over the chair, where it had lain untouched from the time the doctors had taken it off Keith as they were stabilising him.

* * *

Julie Alexander looked at her watch, she was due a tea break any minute and she was glad to finally stop for a few minutes and catch her breath.  Since Keith had been transferred she felt like she never had a moment to herself.  The days seemed to be never ending at the moment, but she was glad of the opportunity to throw herself into the work.  She missed her special patient and she was glad in a small way that he had not been in contact. 

She was so tired when she got home that she reasoned she would be very poor company for anyone at the moment.  Although, if he had rung she told herself she would have made an exception.

Sipping her tea, she sat in one of the armchairs in the staff room and flicked through the latest issue of Nursing Magazine.  She stifled a yawn as she casually flicked through the rest of the magazine; eventually arriving at the situations vacant column. 

* * *

Ed Straker was just finishing his coffee when the intercom sounded, he flicked the switch and growled his name into it. 

Gay Ellis appeared on screen.

"Commander" her tone was heavy and Straker could sense trouble, he waited. "Interceptor one has crashed while engaging a UFO" she looked away from the screen briefly, "sir it's Lew Waterman."

He sat ramrod straight as he listened, remaining very still as he listened.  He remained that way for a few minutes. 

"What's his condition Lieutenant?" he said finally.

"We don't know yet sir, rescue and medical teams are on the scene … interceptor three was also involved but managed to get down safely Mark Bradley managed to get back to base once he landed, he's in sickbay now being treated for cuts and bruises.  Interceptor two is overflying the area but can't offer assistance … so I've ordered him to return to base." 

Straker closed his eyes briefly, anger welled up in him.  Another UFO attack, another operative seriously injured.  He was aware she was still watching him and he opened his eyes quickly. 

He could do nothing practical from where he sat - across the distance which separated them and they both knew it, instead he said: "I want a full report Lieutenant … as soon as Bradley is able to give it."  He made to close the call then changed his mind, softened his tone slightly, "Let me have any more news the minute you get it … .and Lieutenant did we lose the interceptor?"

"Unknown at the moment sir" she said, "but I will keep you informed."

He closed the link to Moonbase and sat heavily back in his chair, he let out a heavy sigh. 

* * *

Finishing her tea, Julie took her cup to the sink when James Brandt, the doctor who had initially stabilised Keith Ford in casualty, and then been responsible for his care put his head round the door.

"Thought I'd find you here" he said lightly, "phone call for you."

"Oh ... who is it?" she said putting the cup down.

"Sounds like Mr Freeman … remember him?"

"Oh" she said again coming out into the corridor, "wonder what he wants."

* * *

Under a deep blue sky, he lay flat out in the grass letting the sun warm him, it was peaceful here, no interruptions.  His skin was warm to the touch and she laughed as she kissed him full on the mouth, he gazed lovingly into her soft green eyes and those golden lashes, he sighed contentedly and she snuggled against him.  He held her tightly against him, not wanting to let her go: "Happy?" he said gently.

"Deliriously" she said.

Overhead, birds wheeled and called to each other and he felt completely relaxed and centred here.  In all of his young life Keith Ford had never felt such peace.  He knew he should be somewhere else, but for now somewhere else could wait, he may go back later he told himself…then again he might just stay here it was so peaceful.  He wondered idly if he'd ever go onto the other side of the river where the darkness lay.  Sometimes, he thought he could hear someone talking to him from over there, although he could never quite see who it was.  But for now it was quiet and he closed his eyes against the sun, held Louise tightly in his arms and slept.

* * *

Dr Jackson looked in on Ford, as he had done for the last two weeks.  The doctor knew that if he didn't wake up soon he would have little or no chance of regaining the life he had before his abduction and the death of his friend.  Although Jackson had kept up the regime of talking to the unconscious man as Alec had been doing, he reasoned that the present situation may be the only future that faced the lieutenant. 

"It's a damned shame if you ask me, Keith," he told Ford bluntly as he stood at the side of the bed, reading the monitors, "if you don't come round soon … it's going to be too late, you don't want to stay in there forever … do you?" he looked up sharply as Dr Shroeder came in.

"Any change Doug?"

Jackson scowled at the interruption and shook his head.  He checked the monitors again "Damned shame" he said as he passed Shroeder, "and that Andrews character has the nerve to appeal." 

Shroeder opened his mouth to speak, but Jackson beat him to it.

"I know … I know … he's entitled to appeal … but when this is the result of his actions" he gestured at Keith, "no it just isn't worth it doctor, not the life of a good man." he continued out of the unit.

Shroeder watched him go, he agreed with Jackson, like they all did.  But, he reasoned, who knows if Ford would have still been abducted by the alien if he had not been suspended. If hindsight was such a wonderful gift he wondered then why was it so useless. 

Ford would still have been on duty for a few more hours that day, he may have gone over to Sycamore Road later - they were just as much in the dark now as they were at the beginning.  Shroeder watched Ford; "If you'd just let us know you're there Keith," he said kindly, "you can't just give up." 

Ford didn't move and Shroeder sighed, each time he came in he hoped that today would be the day Ford woke up, then they could begin the long road to his recovery. The doctor ran a hand through his own thick black hair and sighed.  Lets see what happens when that nurse gets here he told himself.

* * *

The fight to free Lew Waterman was dirty and time consuming.  Lunar dust contaminating the area around the downed ship was still slightly obscuring visibility.   This was the first time they'd had to rescue one of their own from a crash like this; but that didn’t mean they weren't prepared.  A vehicle, larger than a SHADO mobile made up part of the rescue fleet, along with the crablike Moon Mobiles.  It approached, and then came to rest at the side of the interceptor.  The rescue team already at the scene helped guide the driver to position the huge vehicle to where they wanted it to be.  Hydraulic suspension brought the main body of the craft level with the underside of the interceptor.   

That done, the team signalled the driver to depressurise the rear compartment.  A few seconds later the huge doors opened and at the same time two steel arms extended out and underneath the downed ship.  The rescue team secured the ship to the arms and then gave the driver the signal to retrieve. 

They stood back and watched as the interceptor was taken into the craft; the unconscious pilot could clearly be seen lolling in the seat. 

Once the interceptor was securely in place, the doctor and his rescue team climbed aboard and waited while the craft closed the doors against the bitter blackness of space. 

Then waited for the rear compartment to pressurise again.  That done, the team removed their helmets and gloves and set to work freeing Lew. 

They got into the interceptor through the rescue hatch and got to Waterman fairly quickly.  Having to be extremely careful lest they make his injuries worse they worked as fast as they could given the conditions.  The doctor was concerned for the man; it was not ideal to have to move a casualty from the scene of an accident before he could be stabilised, especially here where the immediate environment was less than conducive to resuscitation; but given the circumstances he had no choice but to do just that.  His team began calling out stats to him as they found them.

"Pulse rapid and thready, blood pressure dropping rapidly, cyanotic, there's so much blood here, hard to see where it's coming from."

By the time they'd done as much as they could for the fallen man, the craft had arrived at Moonbase and begun docking procedure with airlock three.  Once the sealed gantry was in place the team transferred Lew Waterman into Moonbase. 

Doctor Jake Frazer, on duty as Moonbase head of surgery was there to meet them as they came into the base itself. 

Lunar time showed 5.56am

Once the airlock sealed shut after the rescue team and their precious cargo, the craft retrieved its gantry and headed off back to its underground lair with the twisted metal remains of interceptor one inside.

* * *

Garry Andrews lay on his bed, eyes closed.  He was not allowed to be alone for a minute, Straker had ordered round the clock surveillance and a guard to be in the cell at all times. 

The Commander had been insistent that this prisoner would not get away with the crimes he had committed.  This prisoner would suffer the full force of SHADO authority.

* * *

Freeman, happier now that he was at least trying something else to wake Ford, walked through the underground corridors back to control - Julie had sounded surprised, then a little wary when he'd asked her to come across.  He hadn't wanted to alarm her unduly, so he told her Keith needed to see her - which wasn't that far away from the truth, he told himself - at least this way he could keep the situation contained to Mayland. 

Alec passed by Ford's replacement as he went in, knowing his arrangements had been implemented to keep the man - Operative Jack Wade - with them at least until Ford was back on duty and he'd wanted to keep a modicum of continuity in the place.   

He could feel the sombre atmosphere as he came through control and he walked straight into Straker's office, looking directly at the commander as he did so. 

Ed was just ending a call to with Moonbase.   

As Alec went into the office the steel doors closed shut behind him.

"Lew Waterman is critically injured Alec,"  Straker said flatly; there was pain hidden in the steely tone but Alec recognised it immediately, he sat down quickly on one of the corner seats, letting go a heavy sigh as he did so.

"What happened?" his voice quiet.

"A UFO crashed into his ship by all accounts, it was a perfect interception Alec.  One UFO, should have been easy … then suddenly it's on a collision course with Moonbase." 

He stopped briefly, took in a breath, "An interception that was just like any other.  Waterman is an experienced pilot … what was he thinking … just sitting there … he doesn't make mistakes like this."

"Didn't Moonbase give him co-ordinates to change his flight pattern?"

"No Alec … they didn't have time … Gay said it happened too fast."

"Could it have been accidental?"

"Accidental," Straker icily echoed the words, "Alec … nothing they do is accidental" he sighed  leaning back in his chair as he did so.

"Do you want me to go to Moonbase Ed … ?"

"No, I need you here.  The Moonbase doctors are working on him, Gay managed to get some early indications of the damage, apparently Waterman has suffered smoke inhalation from the fumes filling the cockpit …" He pinched the top of his nose and looked at Alec through tired eyes,  "They think there's bound to be concussion, he's got a broken nose and he's lost some teeth … they think he's broken some ribs but they've got him in surgery up there at the moment … all we can do is wait for news."

Alec walked over to the drinks dispenser.

"Do you mind … ?" The question was formality really, he always helped himself to a drink when he was here … on most occasions.

Straker shook his head, eyes rapier sharp, the exquisite features could have been sculpted from sheer ice. 

Alec knew that look, it meant Straker was on the verge of another tirade, so he was caught off guard when Straker said: "Did you get the telephone number for that nurse Alec?"

"Yes … I didn't tell her that Ford is in a coma, just that he needed to see her … which in truth, he does."

Straker allowed himself the tiniest of smiles before his mouth settled into that familiar hard line.

"When is she coming?"

"After her shift ends tomorrow evening … around 6pm."

* * *

Doctor Frazer and his team had been working flat out in the operating theatre on Moonbase.  Waterman’s injuries were immediately life threatening, compound fractures of his ribs had caused so much damage that one of his lungs had collapsed; the man's skin was turning grey blue and they knew they had to move fast or lose him.  The team pressed on, working quickly and quietly trying to save the man's life.

Lunar time was now 6.20am.

* * *

James Brandt had just shrugged into his coat and was about to leave when Julie caught up with him.

"Hold the lift please" she called ahead of her. 

"You just about made that" he said holding the doors, "what did Mr Freeman want?"

He could tell from her beaming smile that it was good news.

"He told me Keith needs to see me … so I'm going over there directly after my shift ends here tomorrow."

Brandt smiled and nodded.

"Oh, he didn't call you himself?" he frowned, "most peculiar, well give him my regards won't you, he should be out of there soon I would have thought … if he's carried on making such a good recovery."

Julie looked a little concerned: "That's a point James, wonder why he didn't call directly."

"Well, you can probably ask him about that when you see him."

She smiled at the thought, then the lift deposited them both at the car park entrance.

"Well, have a good evening Julie … see you tomorrow."

"Yes … you too James … night."

* * *

Straker offered Alec a cigar, then lit one himself.  He needed answers, yet again he found himself waiting for news, there had been no more alien activity since the attack involving Ford.  Now this - out of the blue, yet they were ready, were always ready.  But the sudden fury of this attack had caught them off guard and now another operative was fighting for his life.

"You may as well call it a night Alec" Straker said looking over at his second in command, "I doubt we'll hear anything from Moonbase for some hours at least."

"Well, I was thinking of having something to eat first" Alec said putting out the cigar stub he'd been smoking.   He was tired yes, they all were, he'd like nothing more than to go home, but as Chief of Staff he felt he owed it to the gravely ill man in Moonbase, whose life now rested in the hands of the skilled doctors up there, to stay. 

"I'd rather wait Ed … you know how it is."

Straker nodded.  Alec was going to ask the commander to join him but he knew from past experience that his request would be refused.  He walked towards the door, then stopped - ah, what the hell, one more refusal from the great man won't kill me he thought.

"Join me?" he smiled inwardly waiting for the rebuff.

"Oh … maybe later Alec … " he looked up quickly catching Alec unawares and saw the smile spreading over Alec's features " … something you're not telling me?"

"It'll keep," he said, walking slowly out of the office.

Straker watched him go, closing the doors behind him he raised his eyebrows slightly then returned to the estimates for the new interceptor he'd decided they would probably be needing.
« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2011 at 7:43am by Claire »  
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UFO the original and best!

Posts: 122
Location: South East England
Re: Repercussions
Reply #3 - Apr 26th, 2011 at 11:14am
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Chapter:  Three

Garry Andrews had just finished eating when the guard outside his cell came in with the man's lawyer, the guard stood to one side ready for trouble.

Kent Ridley had been with SHADO for just over a year, he'd defended some cases in his time, but none as strange as this one he'd thought when he'd been told he was the defending counsel.  After he'd read the case he found he had no liking for the man he was defending; there seemed to be no way he could defend the case when Andrews was so obviously guilty.  As it later turned out Doug Jackson successfully prosecuted the case and Kent Ridley had defended his client and done his utmost of course; there was no way he'd do otherwise.   He was back today to prepare for the appeal and the guard to leave them alone, confidentiality and all that. 

"Sorry sir … Commander Straker's orders … Lieutenant Andrews is not to be left alone - especially not to be left alone with anyone in his cell."

Ridley nodded.  Under the circumstances he agreed with the decision, didn't have to like it, and sat across from Andrews; he opened his briefcase and took out some papers.

"I need you to sign these papers for the appeal," he said trying to keep his voice neutral, noting that it might be difficult to get his client to sign papers wearing handcuffs.

Andrews was casually watching from his bed.  He hadn't moved when the lawyer came in, just looked at him and lay back down on the bed.  Now though, he smiled lazily, sat up and stretched.  The guard levelled his gun and the lawyer tutted. 

Andrews came over slowly.

"Got a pen?" he said sarcastically, "I seem to have mislaid mine."

Ridley allowed a very brief smile to play over his dark features, he reached into his breast pocket, taking his eyes off his client for a moment as he did so.

Andrews suddenly sprang forward, putting his hands over Ridley's head he made a choke hold out of the chains of the handcuffs. 

Ridley struggled, his fingers clawing at his throat, desperately trying to free himself.

"You won't use that," Andrews sneered at the guard who'd raised his gun and been at the lawyer's side a split second too late.

"Like I told Foster … you military types … think you know it all … should have been watching me mate … ooh boy is Straker gonna have your hide."  He laughed, taunting the guard.

* * *

In Moonbase medical centre, Dr Frazer and his team had just come out of surgery, it had been touch and go most of the time but for all their efforts Lew Waterman had died on the operating table. 

Although they'd managed to get him back eventually, they were thoroughly exhausted; not willing to give up the fight for the man's life. 

Now, with Waterman in their ICU ward, ventilated, sedated and hooked up to various pouches of meds over his bed, they reasoned they had gotten him through the worst of it. 

Frazer was writing notes on Waterman’s chart as Gay Ellis approached from the corridor. "Hello Jake, what's his condition?"

"Critical but stable at the moment, we lost him on the table you know, we had problems with the anaesthetic" he said tiredly, "it's always tricky performing surgery on pilots injured in space … we aren't sure yet if it's anything to do with inadequate blood flow, but given that he's lost so much of it before we got to him that's what I'm attributing it to.  Quite a frightening experience, but we got him back I'm glad to say, ideally we need to get him back to Earth, but he's nowhere near being ready for that journey yet."

They'd been lucky this time Gay reasoned and she nodded slowly.  Lew’s face was ashen, bruised and cut and although alive for the moment, to her he looked half dead.

"He'll be all right now though?"

"It's too early to tell, but I hope so, where the rib had punctured his lung it caused a pneumothorax so we had to act fast.  Got him stabilised after a fashion … the removal of air under pressure, we had to put a tube in his chest cavity under suction and seal … it'll stay there for a while until I'm sure the lung is back to normal.  He's also had some damage to the lung tissues where he'd inhaled toxic smoke from the cockpit, and we had to operate to remove the tissue we couldn't save." 

He sat down abruptly on the chair at the side of the bed, the events of the surgery catching up with him, he stifled a yawn. 

"We have him closely monitored as you can see … the last thing we need him to contract now is pneumonia." 

Gay looked over at the doctor, behind him she could see Mark Bradley with superficial injuries and Steve Minto at his side.

"Is that likely?"

"Very" Frazer said stiffly, "his breathing is laboured because he's still in enormous pain despite the meds, he's breathing shallowly which doesn't move the air round like normal and secretions can remain in the lungs when they would otherwise be coughed out.  Pneumonia is the obvious result of too many secretions becoming lodged in the sacs of the lungs … but we hope it won't come to that."

"Thanks Jake" she said, "look, I'm back on duty in a few minutes … I need to have Mark Bradley make a full report."

She stepped back as Frazer got up suddenly, his eyes ablaze: "Straker’s orders?" he said through tight lips.


"Tell the Commander … " he said quickly, looked away for a minute, bringing himself under control.  "Tell the Commander he can have his full report when I’m satisfied the men are safe." His voice was low, controlled and soft.

"You know he won’t like being kept waiting, Jake," she said, matching his tone.

"I know, but he has to understand that these men … are not machines Gay, they have to recover some semblance of what passes for normal up here … then he can have his report."

When she didn’t move, Jake sat down again and ran a hand over his tired eyes, and sighed.

"Look, give Mark a couple of hours at least Gay"

"That long?" she was surprised by that, knowing Straker would want every detail, no matter how small, she dare not call him with only half an explanation, she frowned.

"Yes, that long," he echoed her words, "look, I know Straker needs to know what happened from their point of view, even he has to appreciate that shock can be tricky … you know that Gay … affects people in different ways."

"I know … I’ll come back a little later …" she placed a hand on his arm and squeezed lightly. "Thank you for what you've done Jake."

"Yeah." he smiled back, suppressing a yawn, he went back inside his office.

Lunar time showed 9.22am.

* * *

Straker let out a long slow breath as listened to Gay Ellis relaying the news on Captain Waterman's condition.

"After losing him on the table like that … I'd say he's been very lucky, thanks to Doctor Frazer and his team."

"Hmm, yes … yes … thank you lieutenant … perhaps you'll get me the reports I asked for when the Minto and Bradley are released from sickbay?"

"Yes sir." 

He grunted in satisfaction: "You will let me know if anything changes … oh and as soon as the engineers have finished working on the wreckage perhaps you'll let me know what they find?" leaning forward he closed the call.  He stood and stretched, suddenly feeling weary; absent mindedly running a tired hand over the small scar where he'd been shot a few weeks back, it still a little painful. 

Jackson had told him the nerve endings would sting until they healed properly, "But given that you hardly ever take rest commander, it may take longer than most," he'd said.  Straker smiled a little at that; the doctor was probably right.   

He put his jacket on and went out into the control room, intending to head towards the commissary for a bite to eat.

* * *

Andrews manoeuvred himself out into the corridor, careful to keep his captive in front of him all the while and his own back to the wall, the guard out in the corridor ducked out of sight momentarily as he radioed control.

Lieutenant Johnson took the call.  Her face blanched, and Straker as he passed, caught the intake of breath.


"Sir … Garry Andrews has taken his lawyer hostage and has escaped into the corridors outside his cell."

Straker closed his eyes and let out a pained breath: "Well don't just sit there" he barked at her, "get security on it….get me Paul Foster and get Alec Freeman down here."

"Yes sir."

Once, just once, that's all I'm asking it would be nice to have everything contained, under control and going according to plan he told himself.  He immediately turned round and went into his office.  Taking his Glock from where he kept it, turned and walked calmly out of his office and into the corridors that would lead him to where Andrews was.

Paul Foster, just coming back on duty immediately heard his name being called over the loud speaker on the studio backlot.  Recognising the coded message he knew immediately it was serious as he set off for the underground lair at a steady run.

Security met him as he emerged from Straker's office lift, handed him a gun.

"What's going on?"

"You won't believe this but Andrews took his lawyer hostage and he's managed to get out into the underground corridors, we're tracking him but the commander wants every available man out here … "

"How the bloody hell did he manage that … I mean he's on 24 hour watch." Foster's tone was indignant. "Where the hell does he think he's going to go … oh" he said, realisation dawning, "he knows he can't get out, wants us to shoot him … probably knows the appeal won't stick."

* * *

Slowly dragging Ridley in front of him Andrews drew the chains from the handcuffs a little tighter around the lawyer's neck.  Ridley's breathing was shallow, he had been in and out of consciousness for the duration; his throat felt like it was being cut in two and a small welt of blood appeared under the chains of the handcuffs.  Guards shadowed Andrews' every move but couldn't fire for fear of hitting the lawyer. 

Ridley was still struggling, his fingers trying in vain to prise the choke hold off his throat; his eyes bulged with the effort and his face was reddening.  He could feel the grey haze slowly seeping over him as precious air was mercilessly denied him.  He twisted under Andrew's hold, trying to force the other man into a mistake, but he was weak, without air he was almost out cold but he had to try.

The sound of running feet from one of the corridors brought Andrews up straight and he dragged the lawyer up with him; then came the sickening sound of the lawyer's neck snapping as Andrews pulled him up a little too hard.

Paul Foster and two more security guards came round the corner and stopped dead at the sound. Andrews stood there dishevelled and sweaty, holding the limp and lifeless body of the lawyer by the throat with the chains of the handcuffs, the security guards stood behind Foster and aimed their guns past him at Andrews.

"A murderer too now" Foster announced also raising his gun, "may as well let him go … he's no use to you now."

Andrews still refused to be taken and backed away from them.

"We're not going to shoot you here … if that's what you think," Foster continued, walking forwards and forcing the other man back. "No, you can add murder to your list of crimes and know this … you won't be winning any appeals."

Andrews kept on edging backwards and stiffened as he backed into the muzzle of a gun.

"Give me one good reason" Straker said slowly, allowing icy menace to echo in every word.

Suddenly and without warning Andrews dropped the lawyer's body and turned, all in one fluid movement disarming the commander and knocking him over as he did so.

"Oh … I could think of one." Andrews said coldly. An insane grin spread over his face as he levelled the gun at the commander.

* * *

Alec Freeman heard the sound of the single shot as he ran at full pelt through the underground corridors. 

* * *
« Last Edit: Apr 26th, 2011 at 2:45pm by Claire »  
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