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Normal Topic "Invasion UFO - New Ground" (Read 585 times)
Lee Homer

Long Live UFO

Posts: 62
Location: United Kindom
"Invasion UFO - New Ground"
May 14th, 2011 at 3:03pm
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Here is a snippet from my new story.

Invasion: UFO

New Ground

By Lee Homer

It’s the year 1989 and after almost a decade of fighting the Aliens, SHADO had become better than ever. They are faced with a huge threat as the Aliens intend to invade the Earth once and for all. Now the battle has escalated into a full scale war as Earth’s fate hangs in the balance.  Over the years, SHADO has developed it’s technology to match that of the Alien attackers. With a new Moonbase now operational along with an orbital Space Station, SHADO’s defences have become impenetrable to date.

However, the Aliens have advanced themselves upon the Earth, colonising Jupiter’s Moon Gallisto. Now with a perfect chance of launching a mass attack, the Aliens are about to take the fight to the next level, a fight that could diminish SHADO and change the shape of the Earth forever. Understanding this threat, SHADO has launched a deep space probe called “The Eye” to investigate and relay pictures of Jupiter and it’s Moon’s.

The Eye had been travelling through space for an endless six weeks as it finally arrived at Jupiter. It’s mission was to investigate the Planet’s Moon’s as it had been reported that the Aliens had been detected in that area from SHADO’s long range scanners. It was just a hunch back on Earth, but that hunch was about to become fact. The Eye had been programmed to follow a specific course which would take it around each of the Moon’s. As it would perform single orbits around each Moon, it would snap series of high definition photographs which would be relayed instantly back to Earth. The process was simple as the probe was light and un-manned.

It first orbited the Moon of Europa which showed no Alien activity. It then moved on to Ganymede which showed the same result. It continued onto IO, which supported evidence of metallic debris from an unknown source, but had no activity on it’s surface. There was only one Moon left. Gallisto, the furthest and second largest of Jupiter’s Moons. It was only an hours stretch across to Gallisto for The Eye as it headed towards it’s final target point.

However, when the probe reached Gallisto’s orbit, it’s internal automated defence detector sounded. Something was heading it’s way. As the probe continued to orbit the Moon, a small, metallic object began to appear from the surface. It was a UFO and it was about to attack the probe. Levelling out into a high orbit, the UFO fired an energy blast at the probe, destroying it within an instant. As bits of metallic debris were sent floating into space, the UFO began to descend back down to the Moon. There was definitely Alien activity on Gallisto.

Fairfield Tracker Station

At the SHADO Tracker Station in Fairfield, the pictures of Gallisto had been received by SHADO scientists. Among the scientists were Colonel’s Alec Freeman and Paul Foster. They had both been sent to monitor the probe’s mission by Commander Ed Straker. Straker had to go on an errand to see General Henderson and couldn’t manage the mission himself. Alec jumped at the chance to handle the mission as he had recently carried out a project on The Eye as well as overlooking it’s construction.

Paul had come along because he was driving Alec all over the place. he didn’t want to be there as the thought of being stuck in a confined space made him feel uncomfortable. He stood behind Alec and watched the photo dispenser machine roar to life. within seconds, a small list of photo’s appeared from the dispenser. They were small and were only processed in black and white film, but they did show the answers that SHADO were looking for.

Alec removed the photo’s from the dispencer, took a brief look at them and then showed them to Paul. Upon expecting the photo’s, Paul could see a UFO in one of the shots.

“So it’s true?”  he said as he looked up towards Alec. “The Aliens have advanced to Jupiter, but which Moon?”

“Well according to The Eye’s black box recorder, it was positioned in orbit around Gallisto.” Alec answered as he displayed a frown on his face. “That was taken immediately before the UFO came into view.”

“Do you suppose that it attacked the probe?” Paul asked as he gazed at the frame which showed the UFO. “By the looks of it, it did come in mighty close?”

“We can assume that we wont be seeing The Eye again?” Alec replied. “It must’ve been destroyed?”

“Well what are we going to do now, Alec?” Paul continued with his questions.

“I’ll go and call Commander Straker. He should be at the IAC building right about now?” Alec answered with a deep sigh.

“Hmmm. I wonder how Henderson’s going to take the news?” Paul went on, changing the subject.

“What news?” Alec asked, as his mind was scattered all over the place.

“You know?” Paul reminded. “The news about the new Moonbase? Moonbase Alpha I believe?”

“Oh yes.” Alec replied as he remembered what Straker had said to him only hours before. “Well we’ll soon find that out once we return to control. We’ll take these photo’s with us?”

With that, Paul left the tracking station to get the car ready. The two colonel’s had stumbled upon something big. As they were driving through the country side back to the studio, Alec was trying to get a line to the IAC building. Unfortunately, they weren’t having any luck what so ever. Putting the phone down in frustration, Alec rubbed his eyes and tried to figure out what to do. Sure he could’ve contacted Lieutenant Keith Ford back at control, but he would only write down the message himself. He was un aware that Paul was looking at him from out the corner of his eye.

“You know, we could take care of this ourselves?” he said as he fixed his eyes on the road.

“How?” Alec replied as he tried not to raise his voice. “We can’t do anything without Ed’s approval?”

“But he did say that you has full control of this mission, did he not?” Paul contradicted. “We can’t afford to keep this hidden while the Aliens are practically on our doorstep?”

“Well we’ll have to wait, Paul?” Alec replied. “After all, Ed is still our boss?”

Paul just nodded and directed his attention to the road. It was going to be a long ride home and a silent one at that, but it provided the opportunity for both men to relax a little until they arrived back at Harlington Straker studios.

The International Astrophysical Commission (IAC)

Ed Straker had been in Henderson’s office for three hours now. He didn’t want to leave until the General had fully understood the purpose of the newly established Moonbase Alpha. He thought that the meeting would be a piece of cake, but he underestimated the lack of intelligence that Henderson possessed. All he wanted to do was explain to Henderson the advantages of the new Moonbase, but Henderson couldn’t understand the report properly which forced Ed to explain the report in thorough detail. He had been over the technical schematics, advantages and operations so many times that he was beginning to get a dry throat. He just sat there and watched Henderson stare at the report. He signed as he wanted to go. Time was of the essence and he needed to be back at control, but he wasn’t going anywhere until Henderson approved the report.

“I’m sorry to keep you here all this time, Straker.” Henderson muttered as he rested his head on his hand. “but I’ve decided that I can approve the report if you explain to me what actually happened to the previous Moonbase?”

“Now you know what happened to Moonbase, General?” Ed replied as he contained a growl under his breath.

“Yes, but I haven’t heard your side of the events that happened?” Henderson snarled.

“Three years ago, Moonbase was involved in a mass UFO attack. All three Interceptors had been destroyed, the lunar defence tanks had also been destroyed and SID had been knocked out beyond repair.” Ed explained as he raised his voice. “The attack wasn’t aimed at Earth, but at the Moon itself. A UFO was able to fly along the surface and fire directly at the water and installations plant, destroying it completely. Then they converged on Moonbase itself and blasted it to smithereens. Thirty people died that night. One of which was Lieutenant Joan Harrington. Ever since that incident, SHADO’s defences had been breeched, with UFO’s entering the atmosphere on almost an hourly basis. That’s why I pushed through the request the build a huge, advanced Moonbase. One that could withstand mass attacks and a huge number of Interceptors.”

“And did you take the financial backing into consideration?” Henderson continued as he pulled out another file from his desk. “This construction won’t go as swimmingly where money is concerned?”

“I agree with that.” Ed acknowledged the question. “But I have considered the financial backing by approaching the board with the proposal. They were more than happy to agree with it. It won’t be easy though? What with the number of UFO attacks and all. It’s quite possible that the construction zone could well be attacked?”

“I see?” Henderson replied, as he lifted himself out of his seat. “Well under the circumstances, I finally realise the situation and I will accept the report. However, you’ll need some sort of defence on the moon while the base is being constructed. Do you have any Interceptors left?”

“Yes, we have three that are being stored at the site of the old Dalotek installation.” Ed confirmed. “They are well hidden and haven’t been detected by the Aliens so far?”

Henderson nodded. He finally understood the report and kindly gestured the commander to leave the office after the long tiring meeting. As Ed grabbed his briefcase and turned to leave, Henderson said one last thing.

“Well what can I say, Straker? For once I finally agree with you on this request. I hope you’re successful?”

“Thank you.” Ed replied, wearily. “But remember? We’re trying to make Earth an impenetrable fortress for the Aliens. You’re going to get a lot more requests regarding it’s defences in space? I hope you understand seriousness of all of this?”

“I do.” Henderson said calmly. “Goodnight, Straker?”

“Goodnight.” Ed replied as he finally walked through the door and towards the main entrance.


It was now dark outside when Ed returned to his Bronze Mustang saloon car. As he sat down behind the steering wheel, he couldn’t decide whether to go back to control or drive home where he could get a couple of hors sleep. It had been a trying day after all and it was certainly the first in a line of long, tiring meetings with Henderson. After yawning heavily, he decided to head home, but first, he was going to call into control. He picked up his brown, portable phone and waited for someone to pick it up.

“Straker here?” He said clearly into the hand set. “Tell Colonel Freeman that Henderson has a agreed to support the Alpha project. Oh and I’m heading home for a few hours, call me if anything should happen?”

Suddenly, his expression began to turn into a serious frown as he continued to talk to whoever was on the other end.

“They’ve what?” he went on. “Tell him to have the photo’s ready on my desk for when I get back? I’m heading back now.”

He placed the phone down and started up the cars engine. He wasn’t going home after all. Instead he was going to return to control and study the photo’s in which Alec and Paul had brought back with them. He was never one for missing out on any scrap of news let alone he had left mission to Alec. He just had to know exactly what the Aliens were planning so he could put SHADO a step ahead of their game.

He drove off into the English countryside, hoping that it would be a quiet drive home.
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2013 at 3:14pm by SHADO Librarian »  

If Sky One was real....I'd be flying it right about now
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