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Normal Topic Invasion UFO New Ground (Read 578 times)
Lee Homer

Long Live UFO

Posts: 62
Location: United Kindom
Invasion UFO New Ground
Jun 7th, 2011 at 6:58pm
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Here is "New Ground" now fully completed.

It’s the year 1989 and after almost a decade of fighting the Aliens, SHADO had become better than ever. They are faced with a huge threat as the Aliens intend to invade the Earth once and for all. Now the battle has escalated into a full scale war as Earth’s fate hangs in the balance.  Over the years, SHADO has developed it’s technology to match that of the Alien attackers. With a new Moonbase now operational along with an orbital Space Station, SHADO’s defences have become impenetrable to date.

However, the Aliens have advanced themselves upon the Earth, colonising Jupiter’s Moon Callisto. Now with a perfect chance of launching a mass attack, the Aliens are about to take the fight to the next level, a fight that could diminish SHADO and change the shape of the Earth forever. Understanding this threat, SHADO has launched a deep space probe called “The Eye” to investigate and relay pictures of Jupiter and it’s Moon’s.

Chapter One

The Eye had been travelling through space for an endless six weeks as it finally arrived at Jupiter. It’s mission was to investigate the Planet’s Moon’s as it had been reported that the Aliens had been detected in that area from SHADO’s long range scanners. It was just a hunch back on Earth, but that hunch was about to become fact. The Eye had been programmed to follow a specific course which would take it around each of the Moon’s. As it would perform single orbits around each Moon, it would snap series of high definition photographs which would be relayed instantly back to Earth. The process was simple as the probe was light and un-manned.

It first orbited the Moon of Europa which showed no Alien activity. It then moved on to Ganymede which showed the same result. It continued onto IO, which supported evidence of metallic debris from an unknown source, but had no activity on it’s surface. There was only one Moon left. Callisto, the furthest and second largest of Jupiter’s Moons. It was only an hours stretch across to Callisto for The Eye as it headed towards it’s final target point.

However, when the probe reached Callisto’s orbit, it’s internal automated defence detector sounded. Something was heading it’s way. As the probe continued to orbit the Moon, a small, metallic object began to appear from the surface. It was a UFO and it was about to attack the probe. Levelling out into a high orbit, the UFO fired an energy blast at the probe, destroying it within an instant. As bits of metallic debris were sent floating into space, the UFO began to descend back down to the Moon. There was definitely Alien activity on Callisto.

Fairfield Tracker Station

At the SHADO Tracker Station in Fairfield, the pictures of Callisto had been received by SHADO scientists. Among the scientists were Colonel’s Alec Freeman and Paul Foster. They had both been sent to monitor the probe’s mission by Commander Ed Straker. Straker had to go on an errand to see General Henderson and couldn’t manage the mission himself. Alec jumped at the chance to handle the mission as he had recently carried out a project on The Eye as well as overlooking it’s construction.

Paul had come along because he was driving Alec all over the place. he didn’t want to be there as the thought of being stuck in a confined space made him feel uncomfortable. He stood behind Alec and watched the photo dispenser machine roar to life. within seconds, a small list of photo’s appeared from the dispenser. They were small and were only processed in black and white film, but they did show the answers that SHADO were looking for.

Alec removed the photo’s from the dispencer, took a brief look at them and then showed them to Paul. Upon expecting the photo’s, Paul could see a UFO in one of the shots.

“So it’s true?”  he said as he looked up towards Alec. “The Aliens have advanced to Jupiter, but which Moon?”

“Well according to The Eye’s black box recorder, it was positioned in orbit around Callisto.” Alec answered as he displayed a frown on his face. “That was taken immediately before the UFO came into view.”

“Do you suppose that it attacked the probe?” Paul asked as he gazed at the frame which showed the UFO. “By the looks of it, it did come in mighty close?”

“We can assume that we wont be seeing The Eye again?” Alec replied. “It must’ve been destroyed?”

“Well what are we going to do now, Alec?” Paul continued with his questions.

“I’ll go and call Commander Straker. He should be at the IAC building right about now?” Alec answered with a deep sigh.

“Hmmm. I wonder how Henderson’s going to take the news?” Paul went on, changing the subject.

“What news?” Alec asked, as his mind was scattered all over the place.

“You know?” Paul reminded. “The news about the new Moonbase? Moonbase Alpha I believe?”

“Oh yes.” Alec replied as he remembered what Straker had said to him only hours before. “Well we’ll soon find that out once we return to control. We’ll take these photo’s with us?”

With that, Paul left the tracking station to get the car ready. The two Colonel’s had stumbled upon something big. As they were driving through the country side back to the studio, Alec was trying to get a line to the IAC building. Unfortunately, they weren’t having any luck what so ever. Putting the phone down in frustration, Alec rubbed his eyes and tried to figure out what to do. Sure he could’ve contacted Lieutenant Keith Ford back at control, but he would only write down the message himself. He was un aware that Paul was looking at him from out the corner of his eye.

“You know, we could take care of this ourselves?” he said as he fixed his eyes on the road.

“How?” Alec replied as he tried not to raise his voice. “We can’t do anything without Ed’s approval?”

“But he did say that you has full control of this mission, did he not?” Paul contradicted. “We can’t afford to keep this hidden while the Aliens are practically on our doorstep?”

“Well we’ll have to wait, Paul?” Alec replied. “After all, Ed is still our boss?”

Paul just nodded and directed his attention to the road. It was going to be a long ride home and a silent one at that, but it provided the opportunity for both men to relax a little until they arrived back at Harlington Straker studios.

The International Astrophysical Commission (IAC)

Ed Straker had been in Henderson’s office for three hours now. He didn’t want to leave until the General had fully understood the purpose of the newly established Moonbase Alpha. He thought that the meeting would be a piece of cake, but he underestimated the lack of intelligence that Henderson possessed. All he wanted to do was explain to Henderson the advantages of the new Moonbase, but Henderson couldn’t understand the report properly which forced Ed to explain the report in thorough detail. He had been over the technical schematics, advantages and operations so many times that he was beginning to get a dry throat. He just sat there and watched Henderson stare at the report. He signed as he wanted to go. Time was of the essence and he needed to be back at control, but he wasn’t going anywhere until Henderson approved the report.

“I’m sorry to keep you here all this time, Straker.” Henderson muttered as he rested his head on his hand. “but I’ve decided that I can approve the report if you explain to me what actually happened to the previous Moonbase?”

“Now you know what happened to Moonbase, General?” Ed replied as he contained a growl under his breath.

“Yes, but I haven’t heard your side of the events that happened?” Henderson snarled.

“Three years ago, Moonbase was involved in a mass UFO attack. All three Interceptors had been destroyed, the lunar defence tanks had also been destroyed and SID had been knocked out beyond repair.” Ed explained as he raised his voice. “The attack wasn’t aimed at Earth, but at the Moon itself. A UFO was able to fly along the surface and fire directly at the water and installations plant, destroying it completely. Then they converged on Moonbase itself and blasted it to smithereens. Thirty people died that night. One of which was Lieutenant Joan Harrington. Ever since that incident, SHADO’s defences had been breeched, with UFO’s entering the atmosphere on almost an hourly basis. That’s why I pushed through the request the build a huge, advanced Moonbase. One that could withstand mass attacks and a huge number of Interceptors.”

“And did you take the financial backing into consideration?” Henderson continued as he pulled out another file from his desk. “This construction won’t go as swimmingly where money is concerned?”

“I agree with that.” Ed acknowledged the question. “But I have considered the financial backing by approaching the board with the proposal. They were more than happy to agree with it. It won’t be easy though? What with the number of UFO attacks and all. It’s quite possible that the construction zone could well be attacked?”

“I see?” Henderson replied, as he lifted himself out of his seat. “Well under the circumstances, I finally realise the situation and I will accept the report. However, you’ll need some sort of defence on the moon while the base is being constructed. Do you have any Interceptors left?”

“Yes, we have three that are being stored at the site of the old Dalotek installation.” Ed confirmed. “They are well hidden and haven’t been detected by the Aliens so far?”

Henderson nodded. He finally understood the report and kindly gestured the Commander to leave the office after the long tiring meeting. As Ed grabbed his briefcase and turned to leave, Henderson said one last thing.

“Well what can I say, Straker? For once I finally agree with you on this request. I hope you’re successful?”

“Thank you.” Ed replied, wearily. “But remember? We’re trying to make Earth an impenetrable fortress for the Aliens. You’re going to get a lot more requests regarding it’s defences in space? I hope you understand seriousness of all of this?”

“I do.” Henderson said calmly. “Goodnight, Straker?”

“Goodnight.” Ed replied as he finally walked through the door and towards the main entrance.


It was now dark outside when Ed returned to his Bronze Mustang saloon car. As he sat down behind the steering wheel, he couldn’t decide whether to go back to control or drive home where he could get a couple of hors sleep. It had been a trying day after all and it was certainly the first in a line of long, tiring meetings with Henderson. After yawning heavily, he decided to head home, but first, he was going to call into control. He picked up his brown, portable phone and waited for someone to pick it up.

“Straker here?” He said clearly into the hand set. “Tell Colonel Freeman that Henderson has a agreed to support the Alpha project. Oh and I’m heading home for a few hours, call me if anything should happen?”

Suddenly, his expression began to turn into a serious frown as he continued to talk to whoever was on the other end.

“They’ve what?” he went on. “Tell him to have the photo’s ready on my desk for when I get back? I’m heading back now.”

He placed the phone down and started up the cars engine. He wasn’t going home after all. Instead he was going to return to control and study the photo’s in which Alec and Paul had brought back with them. He was never one for missing out on any scrap of news let alone he had left mission to Alec. He just had to know exactly what the Aliens were planning so he could put SHADO a step ahead of their game.

He drove off into the English countryside, hoping that it would be a quiet drive home.


It was ten pm when Ed arrived back at Harlington Straker studios. He needed to get a cup of coffee before he could view anything as he was on the verge of passing out on the studio office floor. As he entered the doors to his office, he approached his secretary, Miss Holland.

“Good evening sir.” Greeted Miss Holland. “How was you’re meeting with General Henderson?”

“Tiresome.” Ed replied as he rubbed his eyes. “Oh and you can have the rest of the night off. Any calls can be directed to my underground office.”

“Very good sir.” Miss Holland replied with a smile as she grabbed her coat. “I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

“Good night.” Ed said, waving his secretary goodbye.

He entered his office and the bulky red doors closed behind him. opening up his cigar box, he spoke into the hidden transmitter which verified his voice print. He then sat tight as his office began to descend below the rest of the studio. When his elevator office came to a halt, the doors opened to reveal the concrete, underground corridors of SHADO.

As he entered the noisy, crowded, narrow control room, he approached Keith Ford, who was sitting comfortably at his station.

“Lieutenant, where is Colonel Freeman?” he asked.

“He’s in your office sir.” Ford replied.

“Thank you.” Ed said as he placed his hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Lieutenant Anderson will relieve you now.”

He entered his office to find Alec and Paul sitting there, waiting for him. The photo’s were sprawled across the desk along with unfinished papers and other office equipment. Ed closed the doors and took his seat behind the desk. He picked up the photos and instantly spotted the one that showed the UFO. He then looked at Freeman with a horrified look on his face.

“Is this taken where I think it is?” he asked, guessing the answer.

“I’m afraid so.” Alec replied as he offered Ed a cigarette. “That was taken this morning around the Moon of Callisto. Shortly afterwards, The Eye was destroyed.”

“Well this confirms that our suspicions were right all along.” Ed said grunted as he threw the photos on the desk. “The Aliens have colonised Callisto. It makes sense that they should do that as it practically brings them closer for another mass attack.”

“Or an invasion?” Alec added. “Maybe they’re planning to make an invasion attempt.”

“Hmmmm, it’s possible?” Ed agreed as lit his cigarette with his silver block lighter. “But I wouldn’t think that it was in them to make such a move? Never the less, we can’t leave it out of the pile of possibilities.”

“Well I wouldn’t be surprised.” Paul intervened as he stood up to face. “As we’ve previously learnt, the Aliens have been making technical advancements to their UFO’s. They maybe all geared up for another mass attack?”

“And yet, Moonbase Alpha hasn’t even had it’s frame completed.” Ed sighed as he stood up to walk to the coffee machine. “Gentlemen, this is going to be a tough one?”

“Don’t forget that we still have the Interceptors at supply station B?” Paul pointed. “And the new SID is about to be activated in Three hours? It’ll give us some defence?”

“Yes but not enough to withstand a mass attack?” Ed countered. “It sounds more like a job for sea, air and ground defences. Paul, I want Skydiver put into the picture. In fact, have all Skydiver crews proceed to yellow alert?”

“Yes sir.” Paul replied as he turned to leave the office.

“Oh and as for you Alec, I need you to oversee the rest of the construction of Moonbase Alpha?” Ed went on as he turned his head to his faithful second in command. “Virginia Lake is up there now, but she reported in this morning. She could use a hand managing the site?”

“Sure.” Alec asked. “I’ll take the next flight up.”

As Alec was about to leave the office, he stopped to see Ed checking his calendar. That was a special day.

“It was Joan Harrington’s birthday today, wasn’t it?” he said.

“Yes.” Ed replied as he took another puff of his cigarette. “ She would’ve been forty-four years old today.”

Alec nodded and stepped out into the control room, leaving Ed alone in his office. It had been a dark time for SHADO and after a decade of fighting, there didn’t seem to be a chance of things getting any better.

Moonbase Alpha construction site

The Moon was a dark and eerie place. It was once a defence ground for SHADO as it use to hold a Moonbase, but now it had become a battle ground and a graveyard for ships. The Aliens had recently used the Moon’s surface as cover as they would fly their UFO’s towards the Earth, but hopefully for SHADO, that would soon change.

Moonbase Alpha being built on the Moon. It’s purpose was to hold a strong defence network in space which consisted of a huge number of Interceptors, Moon Hoppers, Lunar Tanks and specially adapted Lunar attack Modules. Alpha was to be completely self efficient so it didn’t require on the surface installations. It was also designed to be impenetrable and indestructible  to UFO attacks on any scale. It base was given the name “Alpha” as it was the first of two bases that were scheduled to be built. Plans for it’s sister base named “Beta” had yet to be approved.

Unfortunately, the base had been under construction for three years now. Although it’s frame, corridors, hangars and rooms were completed, it was nowhere near operational and it had become vulnerable to repeated UFO attacks. Luckily, help was over the horizon as the site of the old Dalotek installation was now home to the Interceptors until the base was fully operational.

As she took a walk through the dimly lit, newly established corridors, Virginia Lake found herself lost. The base had become a maze as one corridor linked up with another. The inspection seemed endless. She was on her to meet Alec Freeman, who had just arrived at the base. The artificial environment was working at 70% so the air in the base was a little thin. Virginia was able to find the hangar bay as she waited for Alec to enter the corridor. The doors opened and Alec stepped through, carrying a map of the base under his arm.

“Hello, Ginny.” He greeted her, kissing her on the cheek. “The Commander sent me up to keep you company. How are things up here?”

“Everything’s going according to schedule, Alec.” She replied with a smile. “But this place is so big that I can’t find the main control room?”

“Well we can both find it together?” Alec said as he pulled out the map and unrolled it. “You see, we are here. If we take this left service corridor? It’ll lead us to this section here which will take us to the command centre?”

“Oh right.” Virginia replied. “Well lets go and I’ll fill you in with the details?”

The pair took a nice stroll towards the control room. Virginia was so pleased to see Alec as she hadn’t seen a friendly face for quite a some time. Not only that, she had grown quite fond of Alec over the years because out of him, Paul and Ed, Alec was the gentleman.

“So I hear that SID will be activated in an hour?” she said, starting off the conversation.

“Well it might be even sooner that we all think?” Alec replied. “A maintenance crew is up there with it right now. They reckon that SID will  switched on within twenty minutes at the most.”

“Even better.” Virginia went on. “How is everyone back home?”

“Well Paul is chirpy as always, but Ed is still his same old self.” Alec answered as he looked down to the floor. He wanted to change the subject and tell Virginia something that he had been meaning to say. “I’ve missed you, you know?”

Virginia smiled and held Alec’s hand. They had both grown closer over the years, but couldn’t find the time to be alone with each other.

“I’ve missed you too.” She replied as the two of them had finally entered the command centre.

The command centre was triple the size of that at the original Moonbase. Complex computer stations were positioned in rows, all of which were facing a huge screen, that was mounted on the wall. Technicians laid about the floor as they were making the finishing touches to bases’ computer and main power systems. Then, with the flick of a switch, the base, come to life. It’s computers were whaling and whistling, it’s oxygen levels were now functioning at a hundred percent and it’s power systems had lit the base up like a Christmas tree. One of the technicians approached Alec with his report.

“Sir, Moonbase Alpha is now fully operational.” He said. “The artificial environment systems are functioning at full capacity, the hangar bays are fully air tight and operational, heat and light generators are functioning properly and our defence shield test results have come back positive. All we need to do now is test out our communication link up with SID and HQ and we’re good to go.”

“Good?” Alec replied as he checked his watch. “SID should be activated in a few minutes.”

As they waited for the time to pass by, Alec took a seat at one of the desks. Virginia stood next to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. She could see from the expression on his face that something was wrong.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him calmly. “You can tell me Alec?”

“Well Virginia, you’re not going to believe this?” Alec replied. “The Eye had been destroyed this morning by a UFO. It was in orbit around the Jupiter Moon, Callisto. It’s believed that the Aliens have colonised that Moon.”

“Oh my god?” Virginia replied in shock. “That gives them a clear run to Earth?”

“It also makes you and the base venerable to attack up here.” Alec replied. “That’s why Commander Straker sent me up here. He wanted to make sure that you were safe.”

“Why did he send you?” Virginia asked, as she tried to make sense of what Alec was saying. “Why didn’t he send up Paul?”

“Because I think he knows about us, Ginny?” Alec replied. “It’s understandable why he would send me up, not that I’m complaining.”

Just as they were beginning to have another conversation, SID’s computerised voice emitted over the huge tannoy which loomed over the entire room. It was back online sooner than anyone in the room had expected.

“Space Intruder Detector, fully operational. Radio link with SHADO control operational. Radio link with Moonbase Alpha control operational.”

“Brilliant.” Alec smiled as he approached the radio console, which was situated at the far right end of the room.

“Is the communication line to SHADO control operational yet?” he asked the technician.

“Yes sir.” The technician confirmed.

Alec was about to send message to Ed, when SID’s voice came again.

“Have positive fix on UFO. Trajectory: 24538, speed: sol. 8. Area reference: NGHY.”

“NGHY?” Virginia said as she approached Alec. “That means that the UFO is coming in from Jupiter?”

“It makes sense.” Alec replied. “I’ll contact Supply Base C.”

Pressing down on the radio button, Alec transmitted a long distance message to the Supply Base, where the Interceptors were kept.

“Moonbase Alpha to Supply Base C.” he ordered. “ Launch the Interceptors. Repeat, launch the Interceptors.”

“Shall I switch the base to Yellow Alert?” Virginia asked.

“We can’t.” Alec replied. “The alarm systems haven’t been tested yet. Nope, we’ll have to sit tight here?”

A few minutes had passed when Alec and Virginia were suddenly drawn to the side windows. The glanced up to see the three Interceptors fly over their heads. They both felt comfortable that it was just the one UFO that SID had detected. At least the Interceptors could easily take it out. If not them, then Skydiver, but all they could do wait.

Chapter Two

The Interceptors had been flying for a couple of minutes when they had made a visual sighting with the UFO. This time, they didn’t need an Intercept course request from Moonbase because the Interceptors had automated guidance systems built which enabled the pilots to plot the co-ordinates themselves. Interceptor One was in the closest position to intercept and broke off from the formation.

“Interceptor One to Moonbase Control.” The pilot reported. “Have visual contact with UFO. Moving in to intercept.”

Just before the pilot made the intercept, Ed Straker’s voice emitted over his radio. It turned out that SHADO HQ was taking over the situation.

“This is Straker.” He said. “Be careful up there, Interceptor One? The UFO is increasing speed by the minute. Once it reaches sol. 20, there’s no catching up with it?”

“Sol. 20?” the pilot replied. “But sir, the UFO would burn up at that speed once it would hit the atmosphere?”

“Exactly.” Ed replied. “So don’t try to intercept. Follow it just in case it changes direction? Straker out.”

The pilot understood his ordered and flew his interceptor into position. He followed the UFO all the way to Earth, matching it’s speed as much as he could. The other two Interceptors followed closely behind, but were soon called back to the Supply Base. They were getting dangerously close to the Earth’s atmosphere and the UFO was still too far ahead. Knowing that he couldn’t risk his life and his craft, the pilot broke off the chase and re-grouped with the other two Interceptors.

As for the UFO, it was now penetrating the atmosphere at a fast speed. It’s trajectory was steep and undetermined. From the way it was travelling, it could land anywhere?


The UFO appeared on the scanner, which was next to Keith Fords station. Ed and Paul watched as the blip on the scanner, marked the UFO’s current trajectory. As the UFO headed closer to the ground, Paul realised where it was going to strike, but that wasn’t all. For some reason, the UFO wasn’t burning up.

“It’s impossible!?” Paul said in disbelief. “It should’ve disintegrated by now? How the hell is it still moving?”

“I don’t know?” Ed replied. “somehow, they’ve perfected the way they enter and leave the atmosphere. Nothing we have that flies could withstand a burn up at that speed?”

“I don’t like this?” Paul went on as he pointed at the scanner. “Look where it’s heading?”

“It’s heading for this studio?” Ed replied as he studied the UFO’s trajectory. “Sound an internal alert! All non-essential personnel are to proceed to the emergency exits immediately?”

Everyone in the room, reacted to the General order as they hurried in all directions. Ed turned to Lieutenant Ford and issued his next primary order.

“Get on to Skydiver Two and tell them to get Sky Two airborne?” He barked. “They should be in the vicinity of the studio?”

“Yes sir.” Ford replied, as he got to work on the radio.

“Do you think that it’s going to fire on the base?” Paul asked.

“What, at that speed?” Ed replied. “It’s more likely going to fly into us. That’s why I want to be ready for it.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier just to evacuate the base?” Paul said as he tried to hid his sense fear under his voice.

“Not in a million years.” Ed replied angrily. “I’ve already lost Moonbase. I’m not losing this headquarters as well. No Paul, Sky Two has to make contact with it in time?”

Paul had never doubted the Commander’s decisions before, but now he wasn’t so sure. He felt that they weren’t going to make the attack. SHADO HQ may have been built underground, but it sure wasn’t indestructible. He wanted to leave and find a place to hide behind, but he didn’t want to earn the reputation of a coward. He remembered the day when Ed told him and Alec that cowards would spend the rest of their lives in fear and he didn’t want that at all. Regretting that fact that he was ignoring is conscience, Paul stood next to Ed and tried to keep his nerves down.

Ed keep his gaze fixed on the scanner scope. As Paul saw it, Ed was doing his human statue impression as he wasn’t even blinking. The UFO was getting closer and closer to the it’s target. It was now confirmed by the computer. The base was the target.

“What are you going to do?” Paul asked, breaking the long silence that engulfed the control room. “It’s going to take at least five minutes for Sky Two to over fly the studio?”

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do?” Ed replied, as he finally flinched. “We’re going to wait and hope.”

Skydiver (Sky) Two

“Launch Stations!” sounded the Captain, as he fastened his jacket and grabbed his helmet.
Skydiver Two was patrolling the Dorset coast when they received the order to intercept the UFO. It was code A distress signal which meant that Sky Two had to be launched in a matter minutes. The Captain slid down the entrance chute towards his attack plane as the main submarine angled up towards the surface. In the few seconds that followed, Sky Two broke the surface at a speed of Mark three.

As she hurtled through the air, towards the studio’s location, the Captain had got a visual race on the UFO. He was horrified at what he saw and had to report it to control.

“Sky Two to SHADO control.” He said. “Have visual sighting of UFO. Sir, it’s going to be tricky? It’s literally propelling itself like a missile!”

Ed’s voice crackled over the radio.

“Just get it, Captain! We’re running out of time?”

“Yes sir.” The Captain replied as he climbed his height for intercept.

The UFO was now beginning to steam up. Re-entry had damaged it slightly, but the excessive speed wasn’t accidental.  The UFO had overrun it’s motors, causing them to melt. It was now out of control like a missile. The Captain knew that if he was going to take the shot at the UFO, then it would have to count.

He dived as he had made a chance attack run. It looked good from where he was sitting as he tried to keep in line with target. He decided to wait until he was close enough to fire. He was now plummeting down to about Thirty-Thousand feet, when he began to catch up with the UFO. Squeezing the trigger, he took the shot. The missile hit the UFO and knocked it out of the sky. It didn’t explode all together as the blast knocked out of the dive. As the Captain levelled up once more, he could see the explosion had knocked the UFO off course. It was now heading for the coast line. The UFO produced thick red smoke as it careened towards the Dorset coastline.

“Sky Two to SHADO control.” The Captain reported again. “UFO has been damaged. It’s heading away from the studio and towards the Jurassic coastline.”

Just as he said that, something else happened. The UFO was levelling up as if the wind carrying it down the ocean. It was then that the Captain decided to follow it down. As flew down to follow the UFO, he continued his report to HQ.

“Wait a minute?” he continued. “It’s levelling up? it’s not going to dive into the ocean. It’s going to skim it instead?”

“Follow it down Captain?” Ed replied. “I want that UFO? Don’t let get away?”

“Yes sir.” The Captain replied as maintained his height and speed.

Below him, the UFO finally met the ocean surface. It skimmed along  the surface a for mile until it finally came to an abrupt halt. Following closely behind it, the Captain brought Sky Two into a fixed position. He was now hovering over the floating Alien craft.

“Sky Two to SHADO control. The UFO has stopped.” The Captain signalled again. It’s just floating there? There are no sign of any survivors.”

“Captain, I want you to remain there and hold your position until SHADO sea forces arrive. I’m sending Skydiver One over there now.” Ed replied once again. “They should be there with you in thirty minutes?”

“Yes sir.” The Captain replied as he folded his arms and waited. 


Ed was now interested in one thing. He wanted that UFO. It had been one of his goals for many years and now, it was his chance to finally get his hands on one. Obviously, he couldn’t leave control, but he decided to send Paul out there to retrieve it from here. He also knew where he was going to send it to for experiments. He was going to send it to the secret scientific testing base at Groom Lake in the Nevada Desert. It was formally known as the mysterious and infamous Area 51 that was until SHADO took over it in 1983. Ed was going to have the UFO delivered there for tests and hopefully reversed engineered.

Turning to Paul, who was now relieved at the recent events, Ed was about to provide middle aged Colonels orders.

“Paul, I want you fly out there and personally see that the UFO is sent to the SHADO scientific testing  facility at Groom Lake? Tell them that HQ has sent them a present?”

“Yes sir.” Paul replied as headed out of the control room.

A call then came through from Moonbase. Ford handed the phone to Ed.

“Colonel Freeman’s on the line for you sir?” he said as Commander took the phone from his hand.

“What is it Alec?” Ed said bluntly down the phone.

  Moonbase Alpha (Now Operational)

“Ed, Moonbase Alpha is now fully operational.” Alec replied on the other end of the phone. “We’re waiting to receive the first flight of Moonbase personnel. How are things down there?”

“They’re good down here, Alec.” Ed replied. “I have myself a UFO. I’ve sent Colonel Foster over there to see that it’s delivered to Groom Lake.”

“That’s brilliant.” Alec said. “I’ve decided that I’m going to stay up here with Virginia for a day or two.”

“Don’t tell me why? I already know and it’s fine by me.” Ed replied as he sussed out the reason. “I’ll see you in a few days then.”

Alec said his goodbye and placed the phone down. Virginia smiled as he turned to face her and smiled. They were about to spend some time together after all.

“Well now that we have three days together, what shall we do?” Virginia asked, as she held Alec’s hand.

“Let’s go to your quarters sweetheart.” Alec replied. “I’m sure I have a bottle of Malt Whiskey somewhere that can come to some use for us?”

“I’ll take you up on that offer.” Virginia chuckled as she took Alec’s arm and the two of them walked off down the hallway.


Two hours later, the first Lunar Module flight arrived at the base. Aboard the Module, was the first arrival of the Moonbase Personnel. The base was said to sustain three hundred men and women on the base, most of which were new Interceptor pilots. Among them was the newly appointed Moonbase controller, Colonel John Koenig.

John had been selected to control Alpha as he had served as Captain for the Dreadnaught test flights, which took place back in 1981. He joined SHADO in 1987 after a UFO incident took place, killing his parents and his wife. He wanted to avenge his family, but didn’t know how to. In 1988, John had gotten himself involved in another UFO incident, when he saved Ed Straker’s life. the Commander of SHADO had been involved in a serious car crash after a UFO forced him off of the road. John pulled him out of the wreckage and nursed him back to health. In the weeks that followed, he told Straker of the incident that killed his family and in return for his good deed, he was offered a place in SHADO. John accepted and in the days that followed, he trained to be a Moonbase Controller. Maybe even a Colonel? By 1989, he was given the rank of Controller and was immediately ordered to report to Moonbase Alpha.

As he stepped out into the corridor via the new travel tube system, John finally met Alec. Shaking him by the arm, John exchanged his pleasantries. He has knew Alec ever since Ed’s accident and had gotten to know him very well.

“Alec, it’s so good to see you?” John said smiling.

“John, welcome to Moonbase Alpha.” Alec replied grinning. “I take it you had a safe trip?”

“Sure did. I heard about that UFO.” John replied as he and Alec walked down towards the Command Centre. “I hear that Straker’s going to have the scientists do a spot of reverse engineering? I wonder what they’ll find?”

“Something interesting and useful I hope?” Alec responded. “It’s taken us nearly a decade to capture a UFO so there better be something in it for us?”

“Well we’ll have to see?” John said, chuckling. “Right now, I have strict orders to manage the arrival of the new Eagle transporters.”

“Oh yes. I remember now?” Alec said as he clicked his fingers in a friendly gesture. “They’re meant to be craft that will replace the Lunar Modules? Well I hope that they can fly alright?”

“What’s that supposed to mean, Alec?” John asked, raising a brow.

“Oh nothing, just that they’ll be subject to UFO attacks like the Module’s were?” Alec answered. “They’ll need to be manoeuvrable if a UFO was to intercept one of them?”

“We’ll see, Alec.” John assured the Colonel. “We’ll see?”

Chapter Three

The Seagull X-ray flight to Nevada lifted off the next morning. The night had been a clear one with no further UFO activity. It gave Ed the chance to catch up on some reports that he had left before he flew out to Groom Lake. As the jet levelled out at two thousand five hundred feet, Ed pulled out the remaining report folders and continued his work. The sky was clear and visibility was good so he knew that it would  be a quick and peaceful flight. As he ploughed through the folders, he tried not to over excite himself at the fact that he had finally got his hands on a UFO. As he sat there and continued to think about the captured Alien craft, he couldn’t help but think about the possibilities of using the UFO to their own ends. Think of the technical advancements that they would discover? It could mean that SHADO could take it to the Alien’s home planet? They would finally have the answers to the questions that couldn’t be answered? One thing was for sure, it was a huge achievement for SHADO.

Just as he was getting towards the end of his work, Ed received a video call. The small screen in front of him, revealed Paul’s face. He was reporting from the testing facility.

“Ah good sir, you’re on your way?” he said.

“Yes, Paul.” Ed replied, looking at his wrist watch. “I should be arriving there in abut half an hour. How are things over there?”

“Everything here is set.” Paul answered. “Dr Jackson is on his way over our reverse engineer. They should be here in time for your arrival.”

“What’s Dr Jackson going to do?” Ed asked, as he displayed a frown.

“He’s going to check the  conditions of the Aliens before we attempt to put a man inside the UFO.” Paul replied. “He also wants to examine their life support systems?”

“Well I suggest you let him then Paul?” Ed said as he reached for the screen power switch. “I’ve got some un-approved reports to finish. I’ll see you there?”

“Very good sir.” Paul replied as his face vanished off the screen.

Groom Lake (SHADO Testing Facility)

The SSV jet finally touched down at Groom Lake I the hot desert sun. it a whopping ninety degrees as it was at the height of the summer period. As the jet came to a halt, the doors opened and Ed disembarked the craft. The heat didn’t effect Ed. It was if he could almost absorb the heat. He entered the security checkpoint and ID’d himself before advancing towards the hangar where the UFO was kept. Hangar 18. the infamous and largest hangar of the base. Ed had learnt of it’s history and knew that it was the best place to house their discovery. As he sat in the passenger seat of a blue SHADO jeep, he placed on his sun glasses to avoid getting sand in his eyes. As he took a look around the surrounding area, he spotted the hangar in the distance. He was pretty impressed at it’s appearance and what had been done to keep it secret.

The hanger roof was coated in a metal alloy which was designed to deflect radar signals. The side walls had two, huge, box shaped motors which were mounted at each side. It was said that SHADO had devised a way of pulling the hangar underground as to keep its secrecy.

“I take it that the UFO is in that hangar?” he said to the driver.

“Yes sir.” The driver replied. “But it’s scheduled to proceed underground in ten minutes.”

“Right.” Ed replied, as he sat back in his seat.

The hangar was even larger than he had previously thought as the jeep pulled up outside the main doors. As he left the jeep, he noticed that Paul was waiting for him. He approached Paul and displayed a grin on his face. Paul returned the gesture  and showed the Commander in.

“You did good work today Paul.” Ed said as he patted the Colonel on the shoulder. “A new phase in SHADO’s history is about to begin. I trust that you didn’t have a problem getting here?”

“No sir, it was a cinch.” Paul replied. “ We had to make sure that Las Vegas Airport to didn’t pick up on their radar but our escort attended to that.”

“Good.” Ed replied as he led himself into the vast hangar room infront of him. “Where is Doctor Jackson?”

“He’s onboard the UFO, making his inspection like he said.“ Paul answered. “He’s been in there over an hour now.”

“Right. Well Paul, I want to take a look at this for myself. Hopefully we’ll see what makes this thing fly?”

The, just as he entered the main room, every organ in the Ed’s body had gone numb. He was now staring directly at the Huge UFO, which was only sitting a few feet infront of him. It was an amazing but terrifying sight as it looked like the Alien craft was bearing down on him. He had seen an Alien close up before but it didn’t compare to what he was seeing now. Surrounding the UFO were an endless amount of multi-coloured cables which were linked from the craft to a number of small computer terminals. Technicians were rushing, in, out and around the craft as they were carrying out their orders. Amongst the crowd, Doctor Jackson emerged from the craft, holding a clipboard of his findings under his right arm. Ed could see that the expression the Jackson’s face was a good one.

“Well Doctor, what did you find in there?” he asked.

“Well the whole ship’s life support systems were emitting in Oxygen.” Jackson explained. “I was able to find the generator which was responsible for this and I’ve concluded that the Aliens were all human. They breath the same air as we do without any side affects. Now we’ve realised this before in a previous case, but I’ve always believed that let alone they were human, they were still taking in that Oxygenic liquid.”

“Please be more specific Doctor?” Ed replied. “Are you trying to say that the Aliens were breathing in Oxygen without their helmets? Without their liquid?”

“Yes.” Jackson confirmed. “They were entirely human.”

“Well I be.” Ed said with a shock expression on his face. “Where are the Alien’s now?”

“Unfortunately, they died upon impact.” Paul stepped in and answered.

“I see. So the Aliens appear to be more humanoid. The question is why? Perhaps, they want to adapt to our living conditions before they step foot on Earth? Maybe they believe that they can survive longer with our living conditions?”

“Or maybe there is another reason?” Jackson added. “You see, so far they have been abducting humans for transplant procedures. Perhaps they are abducting humans for different purpose now.?”

“Recruitment?” Ed replied as he realised what Jackson was saying. “Perhaps they recruiting humans to join them?”

“I don’t understand?” Paul asked.

“Well it’s quite simple if you think about it?” Ed explained. “Lets say that the Aliens have been abducting humans from the Earth. They subject them to harsh experiments and procedures, they brainwash them and then they convert them into their own race. They then have Aliens who can withstand our life functions, but once again, the question is why?”

“It sounds like they’re building up their numbers?” Paul replied as he folded his arms. “But they would only do that if they were going to launch a mass attack or even an Invasion?”

“And yet again, it brings us back to our invasion theory?” Ed continued. “It’s all coming together.”

“But we do stand a chance?” Jackson pointed out. “If we can find out how to operate this UFO, find out how it works then surely we can use it to our advantage?”

“Yes, but things like that take months even years.” Ed replied. “If they’re going to make their move, then it’ll be soon.”

The situation was beginning to look beak and Ed knew that time was running out, but what they didn’t know was that danger was heading their way.

Moonbase Alpha

Alec Freeman, Virginia Lake and John Koenig had sprung themselves into action as SID had detected another UFO sighting. It was heading on a different course as to the previous one, which had took it away from the Moon itself. Luckily, the Interceptors were now operating from Alpha and not the supply base, which meant they intercept any UFO from a closer range. The red alert siren sounded and the Interceptor pilots hurried to their new launch tubes. SID’s computerised voice echoed over the huge radio antenna.

“UFO on positive track. Bearing 5432 sol decimal 8. trajectory, Earth.”

“5432?” Alec said as he repeated the co-ordinates. “That means that it’s heading for Nevada?”

“Of course.” Virginia replied. “It’s heading for Groom Lake? The SHADO testing facility. Commander Straker and Colonel Foster are there now.”

“It’s going to destroy the base.” Alec realised. “Probably because of that UFO that Paul brought in earlier? John, get those Interceptors up there immediately?”

“Control to Interceptors, Immediate launch.” John ordered as he yelled into the microphone. “And intercept that UFO?”


The Interceptors launched off one at a time from their new silos. They were flying in their standard triangular formation and the UFO had quickly come into view. Interceptor One reported to the control room immediately after he had spotted the UFO.

“Interceptor One to Moonbase Control. Have visual contact with UFO. It’s increasing speed. Now travelling at Sol. 9. Are going in for Intercept.”

“Confirmed, Interceptor One.” John replied over the radio. “Good luck.”

Interceptor One rushed into intercept and fired it’s missile at the speeding UFO. The explosion was negative as it missed the UFO by metres. As he returned to base, Interceptor Two took the next attack run. Unfortunately, the same result occurred as the second Interceptor failed to hit the target. Interceptor Three now had a slim chance of destroying the UFO as it was now close to the Earth’s atmosphere.

“Interceptor Three to Moonbase control.” The pilot reported. “I can’t make an intercept. UFO has entered Earth’s orbit.”

“Return to base, Interceptor Three.” Alec’s voice crackled over the radio. “It looks like Captain Carlin will have to handle this one?”

Interceptor Three broke of it’s pursuit of the UFO and headed back to base. The pilot was annoyed as it was his first Interceptor flight and it could’ve been his first intercept. Minutes later, he touched down, waited to be lowered into the hangar and headed for the exit chute. Once he disembarked his craft, he could hear Alec’s voice over the intercom.

“Control to all personnel. Moonbase will remain at yellow alert until further notice. All Interceptor pilots are to report to the standby lounge.”


Up in the control room, Alec was on the line to Captain Carlin, who had just started his patrol in Skydiver One. He would’ve contacted Ed at HQ usually, but in this case, he was technically in command. It was now his responsibility to see that the UFO was destroyed. Just a he switched off the radio link with Skydiver, John called out to him from the scanner.

“Alec, it’s changing course again?” he said.

“It’s heading directly for the testing facility now?” Alec replied as he studied the scanner with his own two eyes. “But it’s descending at a weird angle? It almost looks as if it’s going to collide with the base.”

“A Kamikaze UFO?” Virginia added as her eyes widened.

“It looks that way, and it’s going to hit the base like an atom bomb!” Alec said. “I’d guess impact is in twenty minutes.”

Alec knew what was going to happen. He just didn’t know what to do? Sky One could intercept it, but it would be a long shot. Whatever the chances were, Ed,  Paul and Jackson had to get out of there.

Chapter Four

Sky One blasted through the oceans surface and broke through the multiple, thin cloud layers. She was heading on an intercept course with the UFO which was now acting like a missile. Peter Carlin knew the procedure for such an intercept, but before he could attack his target, he had to get the Groom Lake testing facility evacuated. Securing a clear line, he radioed the base.

“Sky One to SHADO Testing Facility.”

Within an instant, Ed’s voice echoed over his helmet radio receiver.

“Straker here. What is it Captain?”

“Sir, a UFO is heading directly for your location.” Peter explained. “I’m heading to intercept it now, but it’s losing height each second and it’s completely out of control. Estimated time until impact is Ten Minutes.”

“Thank you, Captain.” Ed replied. “Try and knock it out of the sky”

Groom Lake (SHADO Testing Facility)

Ed stared at Paul after Peter Carlin’s transmission ended. A UFO was heading straight for them and they didn’t have the time to work out the reasons. With a faint nod, Ed sent out the order for everyone to evacuate the hangar. He was furious that it all had to happen on the verge of a breakthrough. He also believed that the Aliens knew about the captured UFO and they were sent to destroy the evidence. If so then they were smart in doing so. Everyone in the hangar made their way towards the exit in an calm and orderly fashion. Paul returned to Ed and gestured that it was their time to leave.

“We have to go now, sir?” he said as he led Ed in the direction of the exit. “That UFO will be on top of us within a matter of minutes?”

“You’re right.” Ed muttered in response. “They’ve planned this down to the last detail. Very smart.”

“The Aliens knew about our UFO?” Paul said as he tried to confirm what his superior was muttering. “They’re going to plough right into the hangar?”

“Right into the base.” Ed corrected. “They must be hiding something? Something that we are not meant to discover?”

“Like what?” Paul asked again with his series of questions. “Weapons? Engine systems?”

“Well what it every it is, it’s in that UFO?” Ed answered as he returned to reality. “Come on, lets get to evacuation point.”

With that,  the two SHADO officers ran towards the exit where Jackson was holding the door open for them. as the ran out into the hot desert air, the sprinted towards the safe zone, which was located behind the old fuel storage dumps. When SHADO took over from the government, they had the fuel dumps cleaned and decontaminated before turning it into an evacuation safe zone. Ed and Paul ran as fast as their legs could carry them as they approached the safe zone. As they both skidded to a halt, they were quickly surrounded by the eerie silence of the desert. Everything seemed to be in order. There wasn’t a visual trace of the UFO but somehow, Ed had the feeling that this was no false alarm.

“Do you see anything Paul?” he muttered to the younger Colonel.

Paul borrowed a pair of binoculars from a technician and scanned the sky. His head finally stopped rotating from left to right as he saw a small, metallic shiny object. It was the reported UFO. It appeared to be descending at an alarming rate and it was heading straight for them.

“There it is!” he shouted. “My guess is that it’s three hundred feet above us! It’s heading straight for the hangar!”

As the UFO  continued it’s decent, it’s eerie, whaling, mechanical noise grew louder and louder. Suddenly, an odd thing happened. The UFO was levelling up, pulling itself out of the dive. It was now level at a hundred feet and it’s course took it past the hangar.

“What are they doing?” Ed shouted as the UFO hovered over the base.

Just as he said that, the UFO fired on the base. It dispersed bright yellow energy bolts, destroying buildings and vehicles in the process. Explosions rocked the base and the SHADO personnel dived for cover. It was relentless, firing at will in all directions.  Ed looked on in anger as the Aliens destroyed base control tower followed by the staff quarters. Another direct hit was taken on the small hangars, destroying them completely along with everything that they once housed.

“Paul!” Ed shouted, raising his voice above the chaotic noise. “Where are the base defence units!?”

“They’ve been destroyed!” Paul reported. “The Aliens have just taken out their depot!”

“I see!” Ed replied. “Ok everyone, hang tight, until Sky One gets here!”

The UFO continued to fire. it was now aiming at Hangar 18 and the captured UFO. Ed’s theory was right. The Aliens were going to stop SHADO from discovering their technology even if it meant destroying one of their own ships. Another energy bolt hit the hangar, obliterating it completely along with the neighbouring buildings with were attached to it. After a few seconds, the foundations were nothing but a smouldering wreck. The intense head accompanied by the thick black smoke, made visibility poor. The UFO had ceased it’s fire. It was just hovering over base as if it’s Alien occupants  didn’t know what to do next.

A second noise began to echo in the sky and it was one that Ed was familiar with. It was the sound of a jet engine. They looked up and were amazed to see Sky One fly over the base. She was too high up to make an intercept which meant that Peter Carlin had to reduce his height to come in for another pass.

Swinging round, Peter Carlin was now on target. He fired, knocking the UFO out of the sky. He watched as the Alien craft impacted on the desert surface and burst into flames.

“Sky One to Commander Straker?” Peter reported as he tapped into Ed’s emergency communication radio. “UFO destroyed. Are you all ok down there?”
“We’re fine Captain.” Ed replied over the radio. “Good shooting.”

“Thank you sir.” Peter acknowledged. “I’m returning to base. An unmarked transporter craft will arrive to pick you up in five minutes.”

Ed acknowledged Peter and told Paul to round up the technicians. His next step was to relieve Alec from Moonbase Alpha and report to General Henderson again. He was angry, streaked in sand and dirt and displayed a few bruises across his face. He was so close to revealing the secret of the Aliens, but he was determined to carry on. All he needed to do was to get Henderson’s approval on an idea which he had kept hidden for a very long time.

The International Astrophysical Commission (IAC)

It was the next day after the attack at Groom Lake. It was a bright and beautiful morning, that was until Ed arrived. His bronze saloon car pulled up outside the main entrance to the IAC building and the Commander disembarked. Ed was still bruised and shocked from the previous day which made him determined to win his approval. He has filed off a report to General Henderson just a few hours before so he didn’t have to spell out the situation in person. Still in a furious state, he barged through the office doors and headed towards Henderson’s office.

Henderson sat at his desk with the report firmly in his hands. He was about to pour himself a drink when his secretary buzzed in on his intercom.

“What is it?” he said as he pressed down on the microphone.

“Commander Straker is here to see you sir?” his secretary replied.

“Ah yes, I’ve been expecting him.” Henderson said. “Send him in.”

The doors flung open and Ed marched his way towards the desk. Henderson didn’t prepare himself for another argument as he was about to do something that he had never thought of doing. He was going to agree with Ed’s proposal. He placed the report down on his desk and slouched back in his chair. Ed sat down in a huff and glared at the General. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t returning the expression like he usually did.

“I take it you read my report?” he said, starting the conversation.

“I did, Straker.” Henderson replied. “And quite frankly, I think that it was an outrage.”

“What do you mean?” Ed asked confusingly.

“I mean that it wasn’t your fault.” Henderson explained. “ I’m not going to argue with you on this one, Straker. SHADO was so close to achieving a breakthrough and a UFO takes it away from you. Also adding to that are the injuries that you and Colonel Foster sustained during the attack.”

“Are you actually agreeing with me?” Ed asked as he widened his eyes to what Henderson was saying to him.

“Yes I am.” Henderson answered. “I think that something needs to be done about this because if SHADO doesn’t advance on the Aliens, we could be seeing a lot more of these attacks and on major cities too.”

Henderson then stood up to circle the room. As he approached the window, he placed his hands behind his back and stared up at the fresh morning sky.

“As you may know, we’re amongst a threat of an invasion and we can’t even consider the consequences if the Aliens do attack.” He went on. “That’s why I’ve decided to agree to any proposal that you might consider, but only if it will make a difference? Now so far, the project for  the “Eagles” will continue as schedule, but I want to make sure that there are no interventions from the Aliens. So I ask you? do you have any ideas in which we can protect the project?”

“Only one.” Ed replied. “I think it’s the only sensible one we’ve got and I’m confident that will provide SHADO with an advantage?”

“Go on?”

“I think that Eagles should be re-designed to hold weapons. I also think that they should be designed for long distance flight? You see General, we need to bring the battle to them? fight it on their side of the line?”

“Why Straker? You know fully well that the project could be delayed for a few months just to arrange the modifications? By then the Aliens could launch there attack?”

“The Interceptors can take care of any attacks. Trust me on this one Henderson? This could be our only shot at ending the war. Where there’s a opportunity also comes a chance. I’m willing to take that chance.”

“So let me get this straight? You requesting the Eagles to armed and modified for a long distance journey to the Jupiter system where SHADO can launch an attack on the Aliens without them even touching Earth’s atmosphere?”

Ed looked up at the General and displayed a look of calmness. He didn’t want to argue so he had to chose his next words wisely.

“SHADO came close to discovering the secret of the Aliens yesterday?” he said, keeping his cool. “That secret was destroyed, but it won’t stop us from finding it. That secret is on Callisto and I want to know what it is? It could mean the end of the war and an easy victory for SHADO?”

In the next few moments that followed, Henderson and Ed stared at each other. As he stared into the General’s eyes, Ed could see that he was thinking about his proposal. He could tell by his facial expressions and the way that his eyes would scrunch up at random intervals. Ed kept his persuasive expression the same. He didn’t want to lose Henderson on this one as he was confident that he had the approval.

“Ok Straker, I’ll approve the proposal with the board in the next hour.” Henderson said, breaking the silent tension in the room. “Like I said, I can’t afford to risk opportunities.”

“It’s SHADO’s hour.” Ed replied as he got up to leave. “I’m glad that we’re on the same page on this one?”

“I’ll try to delay the project by a few months at the most.” Henderson said. “It’s the best I can do.”

“That’s all I need.” Ed finally said as he left the room.

With that, Ed returned to his car and drove off back to the studio. SHADO was going to take the war to a whole new level. The race to Callsito was about to begin.


If Sky One was real....I'd be flying it right about now
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