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Normal Topic Invasion UFO - The Data Child 1/4 (Read 637 times)
Lee Homer

Long Live UFO

Posts: 62
Location: United Kindom
Invasion UFO - The Data Child 1/4
Jun 10th, 2011 at 2:07pm
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Invasion : UFO

The Data Child

By Lee Homer

Disclaimer: All characters and vehicles belong to TV Century 21st. I own the rights to the story and the overall series.

After an attack on the SHADO Research Facility at Green Lake, Commander Ed Straker has now no alternative but to gear SHADO up for an attack on Callisto, which he hopes will end the war with the Aliens. His goal is to discover the secret of the Alien’s technology and he is determined to find out at any cost.

After a few more UFO sightings and quick intercepts, Straker has decided to support Moonbase Alpha with lunar defence tanks and laser turrets which will boost the Moon’s defences.

Unknown to Straker, a small boy has entered Harlington Straker Studios and no one  knows who he is, where he comes from and what his intentions are. Where there is war, there is also mystery. ……..

Harlington Straker Studios

He just wondered in out of the blue. He didn’t know where he was, he didn’t what to do. He was scared, lost and tired. He was so frantic that he didn’t think, he just kept on walking towards the main entrance, hoping that he would find someone, someone who could help him get home. He was just a young, innocent nine year old boy and he just wanted his mum and his dad. He wasn’t tearful, he was just confused yet somehow, he knew where he was going as if something or someone was showing him the way.

He walked along the corridor, passing a crowd of stage men, actors and producers. He still felt very calm and he was now focused on where he was going. He stopped halfway down the corridor and looked up at the name plaque which was nailed above the door. It was Ed Straker’s office. He stood there in the door way, scanning the room. He displayed a smile on his face. For some reason, he was meant to be in the room. He just didn’t know why?

Miss Ealand was working at her desk, when she caught a glimpse of the boy out of the corner of her eye. She looked over to see the boy staring up at her. She displayed a look of confusion. She had never seen a child enter the office before, except for Straker’s son.

“Can I help you?” she asked as she walked over to him. “You shouldn’t be in here?”

“Can you help me please?” the boy replied as he suddenly began to sob. “I don’t know where I am? I just want my Mum?”

“Aww don’t cry?” Miss Ealand replied as she knelt down in front of him. “I’ll take care of you until I can find your Mum or Dad? Ok?”

The boy nodded and wiped his eyes. He smiled at Miss Ealand and took a seat by her desk. Miss Ealand sat back down behind her desk and picked up the phone. She was going to ring the missing person’s department and see if she could find the boys parents. She automatically assumed that his parents were actors or part of the studio staff.

“What is your name my dear?”  she asked the boy.

“My name is Jeremy.” The boy replied. “Jeremy Ashton.”

Miss Ealand smiled at Jeremy and said. “Well hang on Jeremy, Lets see where your parents are?”

She picked up the phone and spoke clearly to the person on the other end.

“This is Miss Ealand from Ed Straker’s office….. I have a young boy here who says that he’s lost……Jeremy Ashton……that’s right……..oh……..oh I see……..yes alright then………..alright then. Thank you.”

She put down the phone and smiled at Jeremy.

“I have to go and get some details so I can find your Mum and Dad, ok? Just sit here and I’ll be right back ok?”

“O-ok.” Jeremy replied, returning the smile.

As he sat there patiently, something peculiar happened. He went stiff as if his body was made of stone. His eyes widened as the look off his little face was wiped clean. He was there emotionless like a programmed robot. Jeremy was no longer in reality. He could see a light in his head. A blinking green light that flickered widely in his mind. It caused him so much pain that he tried to scream, but he couldn’t. he couldn’t move, he couldn’t think and he couldn’t make a sound. He had lost total control of his body.

In his hypnotised state, Jeremy slowly rose up from his chair and walked over towards Miss Ealands desk. he located the switch to Strakers office and opened it instantly. The bulky red door opened, revealing an empty office with the day light pouring in through the windows. Jeremy walked over to Straker’s desk and searched around for something. he came across the cigar box and flipped up the lid. He spotted the small security transmitter which was on the inner side of the lid. The disembodied voice of the security computer echoed over the transmitter.

“Voice Identification print please?”

Jeremy just stared at the transmitter. He was now resembling the characteristics of a statue and if things weren’t weird enough, something even more disturbing was about to happen. Jeremy spoke into the transmitter.

“Straker.” He said, as he had now mysteriously possessed the ability to mimic Straker’s voice.

“Voice Identification print positive.” The computer replied verifying the fake voice print.

The room then began to descend down into the underground network that was SHADO control. Jeremy looked around the office as the daylight began to vanish from the windows. Jeremy pivoted on his heels and faced the main doors as the lift came to a halt. The doors opened revealing the underground tunnels of SHADO. Jeremy stepped out and marched relentlessly towards the control room.

Miss Ealand returned to her desk just a few minutes later. She noticed that Jeremy had gone and that the lift had descended. Concerned, she telephoned into Ed Straker. Something was odd about the boy.

SHADO Control

Colonel Paul Foster had just began his routine shift in the control room. As he stood by Keith Fords station, he caught a glimpse of Jeremy who had now marched his way into the control room. He watched in disbelief as Jeremy approached the main computer terminal. Dropping his clip board, he ran over to see what it was the young boy was doing. Jeremy lifted up the computer casing, which revealed the computer keys and transmit keys. He then began to tap away wildly at the keys like a machine. Using one hand, his small, chubby fingers flew  about the key pad, making loud tapping sounds as he went. Paul’s eyes widened as he dashed towards Jeremy and tried to pull him away. He grabbed Jeremy by the arm and tried to pull off the computer. Jeremy countered his move and grabbed Paul by the scruff of the neck without even looking. Now possessing superhuman strength, Jeremy tossed Paul across the control room, sending him flying into Lieutenant Ford.

“Get me Commander Straker immediately!?” he shouted as he leapt to his feet.

“Yes sir.” Ford replied, getting to work on his order. “Commander Straker can you please come to control?”

A few minutes later, Ed Straker and Colonel Alec Freeman entered the control room.

“What is it Paul?” Ed asked as he saw Paul’s scuffed up clothes.

“That.” Paul replied, directing Ed’s attention to computer.

Ed couldn’t believe what he was seeing as Jeremy effortlessly tapped away at the computer keyboard. His hand had become a rushing streak as he was sending a batch of data per second.

“How the hell did that boy get in here!?” Ed barked. “What in Earth is he doing!?”

“I don’t know?”  Paul replied. “He just came in via control and immediately took over the computer. He tossed me across the room like Superman?”

“I don’t care what he did, just get him off that computer terminal!” Ed ordered.

“Look what he’s transmitting?” Alec added as he look at the computer read outs, which streamed out of the machine.

He showed the slip of paper to Ed for him to study it. as he read the slip, his eyes scrunched up along with a deep frown on his face.

“He’s transmitting something?” he said.  “Alec, these are flight path codes and by the looks of this, they’re well planned?”

“What are we going to do?” Alec asked. “We obviously can’t stopped him?”

“We’ll see about that?” Ed replied as he approached Jeremy.

As Ed went to grab Jeremy, he was immediately grabbed and slammed up against the wall. Jeremy was now strangling him and transmitting at the same time.

“P-Paul.” He spluttered as Jeremy’s grip tightened round his throat. “S-Switch off the c-computer?”

Paul raced over to the computer power terminal and pulled off the metal housing. Using his strength, he ripped out the power cord. The computer then shut itself off and the transmitting stopped. Jeremy began to change again. Releasing his grip on Ed, he screamed in pain and began to cry. Paul leaped out as Jeremy fainted in his arms. He was out cold. Looking up at Ed, he picked up Jeremy and said.
“How could a young boy do all this?”

“I think I know how?” Ed replied, rubbing his neck. “Get him over to medical at once. Alec, get computer up and running again and then accompany me in my office will you?”

With that said, Paul headed down to the medical bay, carrying Jeremy in his arms. Something was transpiring and Paul believed it may have had something to with the Aliens, but there was one thing that was on his mind. He swore that he recognised Jeremy from somewhere. The question was, where? And how did he enter SHADO?
« Last Edit: Jun 30th, 2013 at 3:10pm by SHADO Librarian »  

If Sky One was real....I'd be flying it right about now
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