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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Foster and Straker (Read 33843 times)

Foster Forever!

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #45 - Jan 22nd, 2017 at 3:06pm
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Hi again Moo,
I have heard of certain devices recalled but not one for the heart. That surprised me. And as for my car, cool info on that. I really like mine, even though it's now much older and I have had repairs on it through the years. I hate the thought of when I have to buy another as I'm not too happy with some of the new equipment in most plus the cost as well. I have to watch that. This was a pre-owned one by the dealership and it's been pretty good to me.
Take care!
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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #46 - Jan 24th, 2017 at 11:09am
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Here's a teaser for my Paul Foster story (temp title 'Guinea Pig'), giving an indication of where one of the main threads is going:

The lilac car and the bronze found parking spaces near the studio entrance.
Their engines wound down into silence. Foster emerged, and collected his
overnight case from the rear seat. He closed and locked the vehicle, and turned
to Straker. "Ready, sir."

"Good. Let's not keep Jackson waiting."

Straker led the way at a brisk pace. The pair entered the outer office, and
greeted Miss Ealand. She pressed the 'admit' button, and the door to the inner
office opened. "You may go in, gentlemen," she said.

"Thank you, Miss Ealand. Come on, Paul."

They entered the transit room, the office that served as the main lift down to
this subterranean network. Straker opened the lid on the 'cigarette box' that
connected to the voiceprint recognition net, and gave his name. Foster spoke to
the device also. The voiceprint confirmed both their identities, and the room
began to descend.

"Doctor Jackson tells me the two of you are making satisfactory progress, Paul."

Foster grimaced. The sessions with the psychiatrist had been instigated at
Straker's insistence to find ways of preventing the aliens from
imposing their compulsions on the Colonel. Foster had given the scheme his
whole-hearted support, and not just because he preferred it to the alternative.
He found the knowledge that insubstantial alien fingers were reaching into his
mind, his soul, truly horrifying.

"Apparently so, sir. I can't say I'm enjoying it, though. The - well,
'exercises' he gives me - are a bit strange, sometimes."

"Not surprising," Straker agreed.

The transit room grounded. The door opened, and Straker motioned for Foster to
lead the way.

Jackson was waiting for them. "Please sit, gentlemen," he said. "Now, I have
brought this session forward, in view of the new lunar project. Commander, you
have said that both the Moonbase expansion project, and ILFC presence on the
moon and its own construction activity, is certain to attract alien attention."

"That's right."

"You think they'll have a go at me," Foster said, grimly.

"It's to be expected, I'm afraid," Straker admitted. "Well, we have to consider
what we do about it. I'm sure Jackson here can help you a lot, but Henderson
would insist that we take you off the project, of course."

"Too right… But there's another approach we could take. I warn you, you won't
like it."

"Try us," Straker invited.

"Well, sir… You remember the alien 'mind virus' incident? One of the better
things that came out of that mess was that you suggested the aliens had given us
their own encryption codes. I propose that we follow a similar course of

Jackson's brows creased in puzzlement; but Straker's eyes narrowed in
understanding, and some horror. "Do you truly understand what you are
suggesting, Paul?" he said, slowly.

"Yes, sir, I do. In particular, I know that you yourself would never make that
suggestion - but if in a moment of insanity you did, I would break your neck.
With respect, sir."

Jackson had caught up. "You would have to join the queue, Colonel… Commander, do
you authorise this plan of action?"

"Not yet," Straker answered. "First I want something from you, doctor. A
detailed description of how you would do this, with safeguards for all
concerned. Before we go up to Moonbase, which may be in two days' time."

"Then I had better get on with it," Jackson said. "Please come back here this
afternoon, I will have something for you… and if it is satisfactory, we will
resume the session. If you will excuse me, gentlemen?"

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Foster Forever!

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #47 - Jan 24th, 2017 at 1:33pm
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A teaser! Really! LOL! OMG! I love it already. Paul's suggestion to Ed didn't go over very well it appeared. On the show I so wanted a follow-up to Kill Straker because the ramifications were so obvious and they could have had fun playing with it. I mean, what were the odds Paul wouldn't try again, even after that showdown with Ed shooting at him. It could be because it's been awhile since I've watched my DVDs but I don't remember if it ever came out how the aliens were always able to target key members of Shado to begin with. I know how it happened to Paul and his co-worker (whose name I do not remember, LOL!) but those times when the aliens influenced other people to kill them. It was like they had radar and knew where they lived/worked. Anyway I'm doing a happy dance and eagerly await this story, SnowLeopard
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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #48 - Jan 25th, 2017 at 6:44am
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Yes, there were so many paths that episode could have gone, and so could a lot of the other episodes. They seemed to be bristling with hooks! What a pity there wasn't a second series, I'm sure they would have picked up a lot of those and followed them through.

(Except 'Destruction', of course. One thing that occurred to me was, if it was the aliens who supplied the nerve gas, had an antidote, and presented a ransom demand saying "Give us Earth or you all die', top of their list of demands would be Ed Straker's head on a platter.

And neither escape nor rescue would be possible, or Earth gets it.)

I don't recall coming across any suggestions as to how the aliens found suitable targets, or why some were suitable and some weren't. This would be another thing they could perhaps have developed in that never-to-be second series. I think there would have to be people like Croxley around, people with a certain ESP sensitivity, that the aliens could tap into, and at least read their minds as Croxley did with Foster in the hospital, even if they couldn't take control. Also, there may have been lots more of those 'mindbender' crystals. And whatever the aliens used, they must have been doing it for a very long time, centuries perhaps, or more.

(Foster's co-pilot (hastily looks it up) was Captain Craig, I think.)
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Foster Forever!

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #49 - Jan 25th, 2017 at 2:10pm
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Yes, there was quite alot unsaid and I so would have loved a second season. Very disappointed when there wasn't. And I also thought people who were *sensitive* in that respect were vulnerable. We'll never know and I guess that's what fan fiction is for, SnowLeopard. LOL. Oh and thanks for the captain's name too.
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Location: Berkshire UK
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #50 - Jan 26th, 2017 at 12:00pm
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DebbieJ wrote on Jan 25th, 2017 at 2:10pm:
Yes, there was quite alot unsaid and I so would have loved a second season........... We'll never know and I guess that's what fan fiction is for, SnowLeopard. LOL.

Yep! Fun, isn't it!  Wink 

ATM I have Harlington-Straker Studio planning a 'Three Musketeers' sequel.....Smiley  Dunno whether it'll get past their planning stage, but it gives me a chance to get a temporary character in.

And Straker meets his old friend from university, someone called Victor Bergman.    Wink  My investigations show them as almost the same age.
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Foster Forever!

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #51 - Jan 26th, 2017 at 1:51pm
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Ha ha ha! That's so funny. You having the studio to work on the Musketeers. Thanks for that! And OMG! I completely forgot about the actor Barry Morse who played Bergman on Space 1999. Another sci fi fav of mine at the time, but not as good as UFO. I know I'm prejudice so Ed can shoot me with what passes as a tranq gun. LOL! Alas he too is gone. Passed away in 2008. Anyway all these little teasers and tidbits your throwing our way have me quite eager to read it.
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UFO Rocks!

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Location: Hazel Green, AL
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #52 - Jan 26th, 2017 at 6:17pm
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Sounds like a fun read. But please oh please - do away with the mutton chop sideburns... That wasn't a good look at any time in Earth history, let alone on Moon-base Alpha.

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #53 - Jan 26th, 2017 at 9:21pm
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It's always good to bounce ideas off people.. though I don't think I'll have Ed 'Athos' Straker fencing with Paul 'd'Artagnan' Foster. I wouldn't trust either of them to know which end of a rapier to pick up!!

Perhaps I'll get Chrys to give Victor a haircut!! She's already had one, makes her look like Dayna from 'Blake's 7' ( a Brit sci-fi TV series you may not have encounterd, alas). Makes it much easier to wear a space helmet.

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UFO Rocks!

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Location: Hazel Green, AL
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #54 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 2:16am
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Yup. Had to look up Blake's 7. I've heard of it but never seen it. Yet another import that didn't play here when I would have seen it. We get Dr. Who and lots of comedies. Guess that's what the internet is for...

I did see Dayna's short 'do. It suited her well. Victor just needs something that doesn't make him look like a shrubbery. Not necessarily a Roman statue 'do either. Only Straker can rock that look, although George Peppard did well with it back in his Banacek days.

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Foster Forever!

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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #55 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 2:44am
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I'm laughing at what you just said, SnowLeopard, about Ed & Paul crossing blades. But you never know they could surprise you.
You mentioned Blake 7 to Moo. I live in the U.S. but our sci fi channel re-ran those eps. along with old versions of Dr. Who at one point. I tried watching it but couldn't really get into the show. The actors who portrayed the Dr. way back when looked a little strange to me. And when I look at what passed for special effects back then... yikes! I cringe. LOL!
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Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #56 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 7:40am
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Weren't the special effects dreadful Debbie! When I think what they could be doing now, with a little CGI… sigh.

Hmm. Perhaps I could have Chrys as the fencing enthusiast, she could teach Paul.  Wink Then the pair of them could take on Ed. (Visions of the film version from 1973/4 with Michael York and Oliver Reed, where they're having a fight in a clothes-yard...)

Moo, I wonder if B7 is on YouTube? UFO certainly is, of course.

I haven't seen Banacek… But the idea of Straker as a Roman statue reminds me of the story I started writing a year ago but has been brewing for about forty years. As it nears its climax, we see this:

  'Commander Alec Freeman looked up from his papers as the door buzzer sounded.
"Come in."

The door slid open. He blinked, and then groaned. "Ed! *Must* you waft around
the place looking like a Greek god on steroids?"

"What's wrong? Don't you like it? This is high fashion for Keimons, Azan tells

Freeman looked him over. His friend was wearing a short-sleeved, square-necked,
thigh-length silvery-white tunic, with no trousers, but with what looked like
matching socks that came up to his knees. He wore no shoes. The tunic was belted
with silver, and the belt had a small pouch attached. On his right wrist, there
was a glint of crystal.

"Are you sure he's not pulling your leg? Have a seat.. Do you still drink
coffee?" Freeman got up, and made his way over to the mini-bar, collecting
two waxcard cups on the way.

"Any chance I get. Not sure they have any out Alpha Centauri way."  '

This one runs to a word count of well into six figures. I've got the start and most of the middle sorted, but requiring a few rewrites if it's to tie in with my other tales. But the ending (???) needs some serious tidying-up.

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UFO Rocks!

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Location: Hazel Green, AL
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #57 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 3:34pm
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Looks like there's more B7 on YouTube than there is UFO. I'll give it a shot.

Banacek used to be part of the 'Monday Mystery Movies' series back in the early 70's. One of our 3 major networks at the time used to alternate shows on Monday nights but always with a crime sleuthing theme. Banacek, McMillan and Wife, McCloud and even the early Columbo episodes. Banacek was a high end insurance claim investigator in the Boston area. Episodes were pretty good and had a solid supporting cast.

Your snippet had me laughing. At least Straker isn't the knee-high socks with sandals type. The elderly Floridian retiree look just wouldn't suit him.

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Foster Forever!

Posts: 141
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #58 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 6:52pm
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Oh yeah, Early Dr. Who sure could have used better special effects that's for sure. Probably one of the reasons I didn't like watching it. Too unrealistic for me.
I really didn't get into Dr. Who all that much before, SnowLeopard. Occasionally I would catch some eps. with David Tenant. But I fell in love with it when Matt Smith took over the role and of course loved his 2 companions. I can't say I have enjoyed this new one at all. Calpaldi (I could be spelling his name wrong) played Richelieu in season 1 of the BBC The Musketeers. When he got the role they killed him off at the end of that season. Filled it in with Rochefort for season 2. I liked Calpaldi much better as the cardinal. LOL! Plus I did not like his companion. Though I think they've done away with her character.
Anyway, Moo, I remember watching those alternatiing crime shows with my mom and gram when they were both still living. I think our fav was McMillan and Wife, Columbo, McCloud in that order. Then again there were so many great actors in detective roles back then too.
But I do remember Banacek and I have to say I did not like that hairdo on him. He looked much better in the A-Team. LOL!
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Location: Berkshire UK
Re: Foster and Straker
Reply #59 - Jan 27th, 2017 at 9:34pm
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Moo, don't worry, the Keimon (a sort of interstellar ambassador) wouldn't be seen dead with sandals over his high-tech socks......

Debbie, re Dr Who - I caught up with him in the Jon Pertwee era, and that actor was always my fav in the role. David was OK, wasn't sure about Matt, but he grew on me after a while. Don't like Capaldi at all! Didn't see him as Richelieu, but he would have been good at it.
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